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Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 0:48

🧘‍♀️ Beginning of the Spiritual journey 📚Ft. Conversation with Saheem Haris

Hello and good evening everyone. I hope you are having a fabulous Monday. Well, I am back with the news. Well, with some discussions around religious intuition, conflicts and true belief, tomorrow we have with us Saheem Harris, the author of the book The First Revelation. Join us tomorrow at 530 in the evening to know more about his book and his journey as an author. To give you a glimpse about a book, here's what I have to say

#IndiaSpotlight #IndianAuthor 📚Book in focus - The First Revelation

Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 1:02
Saheem is a medical doctor from the state of Kerala who finds solace in writing poetry and reading about anything and everything. He is an outgoing person who is determined that the greatest goal in his life is to be compassionate doctor as well as a well known author who is always there to help those who in need. Hello and good evening Dr. Sameer. How have you been? And tell us something about your writing journey because being a doctor and being an author like how did your writing journey started?
Saheem Haris
@SaheemZym · 1:23


I got myself so immersed in it later I stumbled upon many historical facts that still remain shrouded to the vast majority of people out there. Thus, I decided to expose these historical events to the outside world in the form of a book which also connects and encloses the history of all major world religions like Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Sororoastrianism, Christianity and also Islam into a single timeline
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 0:47
Some examples of enigmatic past events that you have uncovered during your research that have been kept hidden by the corrupt rulers and the religious institutions that we see around. So, like, how did you compile all of this in your book?
Saheem Haris
@SaheemZym · 1:06


And the third one, I want it to be a surprise and about the historical secrets that you talked about. Well, I believe that it will be better that all those listening read the book and see for themselves. What I can say is that many major historical religious events like the Great Flood of Noah, Moses splitting the Red Sea and Jesus'death on the cross are all mentioned in their true form, along with revealing the actual identity of some legendary religious readers like Buddha and Soroastar
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 0:45
It will surprising elements make it more interesting. And yes, the correlation between science and religion. This is quite intriguing to the audience and me as well. So definitely looking forward to find out more what it holds when I read it. So, coming back to the part you mentioned that tackling your book also tackles the fundamental spiritual questions. So can you share a few of these questions, or maybe some examples and explain that?
Saheem Haris
@SaheemZym · 0:45


You. I believe a vast majority of those listening to this would have asked themselves these questions like, where do we come from? What is the meaning or purpose of this life? What happens after death? These are profound questions in this temporary life that modern science is still unable to answer. The thing that disturbs me the most is the fact that almost everyone is trying to run away from these questions. Silly, self made quotes like live life without any worries and so on
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 0:41
It's? Absolutely, yes. Especially when we talk about spirituality, the very first thought that comes to the mind is finding the purpose of life and finding that why behind whatever you want to do. So, yes, moving forward, let's talk about the idea of modified and mistranslated, ancient religious scriptures, and this is also a central theme in your book. So can you elaborate on some of the specific modifications or mistranslations that you have come across during your research work and drafting the manuscript?
Saheem Haris
@SaheemZym · 0:42


You. The major problem with the history that we are taught in schools is that it is mainly derived from records that were constructed by corrupt rulers who made changes to the actual history for their own selfish needs. But with the advent of archaeology, many parts of history have already been found to be altered. Still, most of us remain unaware of these discoveries. The best example that comes to my mind right now is that of the Bible
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 0:33
It's true that even the history or any subject that revolves around the previous records, the ancient scriptures that we were taught in schools somewhere, felt like half of the information was missing from them. So do you believe that your book can contribute to bringing people from various religious backgrounds together under a human belief in God, despite the history of such conflicts that have happened in the past?
Saheem Haris
@SaheemZym · 0:43


My book just tries to bring all these religions together under the banner of monotheism, which is the absolute belief that there is only one God who is a creator energy from which the entire universe took form
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 0:48
Especially when dealing with because when it comes to religion, when it comes to such controversial topics, they are a bit sensitive. So how was your experience like and what were the challenges that you faced?
Saheem Haris
@SaheemZym · 0:33


Hello. I knew about the risks that would come as part and parcel of writing a book based on a sensitive topic like God and different religions. I have friends from various religious backgrounds and this was a huge concern on how they will react to it. But all of my friends and even my family have been really supportive and this gave me a lot of boost
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 0:56
I really hope that Amazon publishes the book very soon. The Kindle version of the book will be available very soon. Best luck with that. And it is good to know that your friends and family have been supportive and readers are giving the good response. And I'm pretty sure even the Kindle version will be live soon. So before moving to the last question, firstly I would like to thank you for coming over and sharing your thoughts and your back and journey about writing The First Revelation
Saheem Haris
@SaheemZym · 2:15


Social media and other online public platforms help us a lot in connecting one part of the world to another, but at the same time, it also acts as grounds for spreading misinformation. As I said before, instead of blindly believing everything that reaches you, I hope that the readers will do their own research on the topics and try to unveil the truth for themselves. The idea of God and spirituality is something which we have to experience for ourselves
