Faith Fact_Fiction
@FaithFactFict · 2:02

3 Days of Darkness

This is something new for me, and I'm guessing that this is more from the catholic faith with the blessed candles because as far as I know, that's who uses them could be wrong. And it is advised to stay indoors, pray, and avoid looking outside at the chaos and evil that is said to be present. It's also prophesied that those who do not heed the warnings and go outside during this time will die horribly. So there you have it, folks

#Conspiracy #Hottopic #youtube #trending #faith #prophecy #factorfiction


Last year it caused a lot of activity with respect to the auroras. So we saw a lot of amazing photography and videos on the auroras this year. It's supposed to be really active with respect to. Now, don't quote me on any of this because I'm having some brain farts. And I can't remember the words. But it's like electromagnetic something or other being blasted at the planet stronger than normal. And there is a potential for something like that
Faith Fact_Fiction
@FaithFactFict · 4:29


And that everybody is urged to stay indoors, cover their windows. Don't be curious looking out, because it could pose danger to anyone who goes out. So yeah, they're seeing that this is something that will be literal. I've heard that there will be like, similar to what you said. There will be no electricity, things like that, the power grid or whatever will be out. So I'm guessing no communication, no ability to talk with family whatsoever, and just darkness
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:53


The pope has called for next year to be the year of Jubilee. There's a lot of religious things happening and like Plum said, with the activity in the sun, there's something that has to do with that. And a devil comet. Like I said, I would love to discuss these things with you. I will invite you to a couple of my swells so maybe you can join in, join in on the discussion. But welcome to swell
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:24

Blessed Anna Maria Taigi 1769-1837

It will be impossible to use any manmade lighting during this darkness except blessed candles. He who, out of curiosity, opens his window to look out or leaves his home will fall dead on the spot. During these three days, people should remain in their homes, pray the rosary, and beg God for mercy. All the enemies of the church, whether known or unknown, will perish over the whole earth during that universal darkness faith, the exception of a few whom God will soon convert
Eric Moore
@moneyz16 · 2:48

Think about it

A lot of this stuff on this earth, I believe, is created by God, such as that snake, to test us humans, to teach us about our faith and have more faith in them. But a lot of people take some of this stuff that is created and they make their own beliefs, which, as you know, goes left
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 5:00


Because there was a John before him, a man named John the Baptist. And all John the Baptist did was say, I'm the guy before the guy. And then the guy came, and then John baptized the guy, and then the guy was crucified on a cross and came back three days later. And even his own disciples didn't believe it. And then eventually, they all did. He proved it to all of them. Let them stick their fingers in his wounds
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Eric Moore
@moneyz16 · 2:06


They don't know how to field all these spirits. They don't know how to really see the blessings. And if they do see the blessings, it's a materialistic thing. It is really spiritual. For a person to understand Jesus Christ, you got to be real spiritual. And I don't think a lot of people's there. They kind of just human. So if you understand what I'm saying, that's why we still don't have no believers
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 2:06


So I think we both recognize desires of the flesh, and I think we also both believe in Jesus Christ. But how do we get other people to believe other souls? I love you said something that I've never heard it articulated in such a way, is that these evil spirits existed when he was here and they didn't believe him then. That's pretty incredible. I hope somebody hears that and something clicks in their head. And I also hope maybe selfishness, the devil of self
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:09


You kind of accept working eight hour weeks, not being able to make ends meet. You just kind of accept it if there's no hell or no heaven and you also accept the fact that the people that are oppressing you won't be punished. Oh, well, if you think that, then why are you sitting there? You should be storming the gates, as they say. So which is it? Do you have faith or no faith?
Faith Fact_Fiction
@FaithFactFict · 3:15
As far as the blessed candles, that's definitely not my thing. I don't believe in that. As far as that goes, I've only seen people of the catholic faith do that. I have no idea who's blessing those candles. No clue. I don't even know where that idea comes from. I know in the scriptures there's blessed oil
Faith Fact_Fiction
@FaithFactFict · 3:56
There's so many videos, so much information on YouTube that I think it's something that we really have to pay attention to because it's better to know, better to hear and to be prepared just in case than to just turn a deaf ear and then have it happen and be just, like, clueless as far as how to conduct yourself at this time. So this is why I put this conversation out here, to kind of get people to think, get people to look into it
