Doug Brake
@f.d.brake · 2:26

A Safe Place

Hello, this is Doug. Today I'll be reading a safe place. We seek a haven, some sanctuary where we can be free. Free from the crime, the chaos, the misery. And everywhere I go, I. Take me with me, just as you take you with you. We all want a safe place where the children can play, where the old can find peace in their final days
And I guess technology has made that more advanced so that we can be more informed or be better informed that things like that, that rapes, murders, etcetera went on before we knew it was dangerous, that we should be locking our windows. And now when you drive through neighborhoods, you know, you see doors and windows with metal bars on them and walk through a parking lot and car alarms go off. And it's such a sad place. And like you said, it's not the place
