Eternity James
@eternityspeaks · 0:50

To my younger self

You will make new friends along the way and those that are not for you were only meant for a season and that you are going to be the change you want to see in the world. You are enough. Exactly the way that you are. And you are whole and

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp25Jan24 #ugcprompt #TellYourStory @ThoughtProvoker | Going back to 13

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:30
That's so beautiful. Just. Just that phrase of, you are enough. I mean, to have heard that, I think, would have been. Would have changed kind of a few really hard years for myself. So, yeah, that was just really inspiring and beautiful and kind, and I really enjoyed listening to it. So thank you so much for participating in this prompt and sharing it. I really was moved by it
Eternity James
@eternityspeaks · 1:42


I did a lot of intentional self healing since then, and in the past four years, during the pandemic, I definitely went inwards even more and did a lot of spiritual healing. And so that's an affirmation that I still use to this day. And I wish sincerely that I had someone back then to tell the little girl inside of me that she was enough. But now she has me. And so the little girl I once was walks beside me now, and she's proud of me
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 0:12


It's thank you for reminding us that we are enough. You are enough. And thank you so much. This is a beautiful message
Eternity James
@eternityspeaks · 0:19


You are so welcome. You are enough. And I pray that you remind yourself of that whenever you need to. Whenever you remember. I truly believe that love is acceptance. And it all starts with self love, peace
