Eric Owens
@EricG · 4:50

AI, Fake Photos, and AI Fear

Today I want to discuss this fascinating topic of artificial intelligence and its impact on their lives, particularly with regard to the creation of fake photos using AI and the fear. While the rise of AI has led to fears and concerns, of course there is potential that it may cause harm. I want to you guys to just relax that these fears are largely unfounded. In fact, I think that the benefits of AI far outweigh the potential risk

#ask swell #technology #voices #news #AI #robots #photos #art

Eric Owens
@EricG · 4:15

#ask swell #technology #voices #news #AI #robots #photos #art

The media is great in inducing fear into the population anytime they ever report on AI. I watch newscasters on TV interviewing guests, and I act like the world's coming to an end. I listen to these people who obviously don't have a background of the technology in order to understand what AI really is, much less how long it's going to take to get there. And I hear them say things like, this technology is frightening. This stuff is scary, really
