Andrés Herrera
@entropyinmotion · 1:58

Etterath. What is it? Have you experienced it?

And so I figure every once in a while I'm going to do a swell cast on some of these words. And the one that stands out to me first off, is edirath etterath. It it noun. And the definition is the feeling of emptiness after a long and arduous process is finally complete, which leaves you relieved that it's over, but missing the stress that organized your life into a mission

#vocabulary #thoughts #thedictionaryofobscuresorrows

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:08
And maybe a part of you is glad that it's over, but there's just that deep feeling of, like, oh, but it's done. Yeah, I feel like I get that a lot anytime, where also when you come together with a group of people, for me, that's always really hard because then you have to kind of leave that dynamic, and it's really hard to recreate that again. So, yeah, it's really cool to have a name for this
Andrés Herrera
@entropyinmotion · 2:58


It. I really appreciate the response. I'm glad that it resonated with you and you can find the word to identify this very real, deep feeling that we as humans get, and we as recording artists, music performers get. And I think that there's this dichotomy in that. Iterath for we as musicians, recording artists, whatnot, because there is this sense of satisfaction that we have within ourselves to know that we created something that we are proud of, that demanded so much of us
