EL Ebeji
@Ebeji_EL · 1:07

"Winter Blues??!!"

I guess I was out in both and kind of got a look under the weather with a little doses of winter blues, so just wanted to know what you guys do when that winter blues hits and you're ascribing to overcome that feeling of loneliness and depression or even sickness, you know? So just let me know what you guys think about that. All right? Thank you

#uplifting #advice #winter #questions #solutions

Ethan Carpenter
@eeeethooo · 1:35


Because you're out there among something that you're naturally meant to be out there with. What else, man? What else? Another thing, supplement wise, is magnesium. So a lot of, like, depression, anxiety, and things that come from winter blues would come from also not adequate sleep or not really good sleep. And I think a way to supplement that is by taking magnesium
