Dora’s Listening
@DorasListening · 1:33

#TellYourStory | Something I did once but will never try again...

It. I remember one time when I was a little girl, I was about five years old, and I was watching the other children and they were playing, and I decided that I wanted to do what they were doing. And I remember my mom always telling me, even that young, never do what you see other people doing. If you see them jump off the bridge, are you going to jump off the bridge, too?

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Mar2 @phil

D. Michelle
@theneekedtruth · 0:52
And I did it so many times, but one time I did it, and I came up short, and instead of landing on the bed, I landed on the floor back, everything. And I was just screaming. I had to make up some real quick, like, oh, I didn't do this. I did something else. And I fail, like, so I would never, ever do it with that again. Especially when you plus size throw. Never do that. It
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8 · 1:30

@DorasListening Doubting my intuition 👀 #trustyourself #content #focus

I would say in my lifetime it has been very abundantly clear that every time I have gone against what I thought I wanted to do or what my intuition was telling me to do, it usually ended up in a situation that I did not like and expected
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Neena Maiya
@neenamaiya · 1:09
I thought, oh boy, I'm in with the group now. But then I found out that they were gossiping about a girl I really admired. She's one of the sweetest people. And I felt so uncomfortable know to this day that I learned a lesson. Then when people call you in to be with them, it doesn't matter how popular that group is, if they're doing something that you don't feel comfortable with, walk away. I know that now
Neena Maiya
@neenamaiya · 0:28


Hi. That's such a sweet little boy you have there. He's so cute. And he has a mother who can teach him all the right things. You're absolutely right. Always listen to your instinct. It doesn't matter how small, how tiny that voice is. It's telling you when you shouldn't or when you should
Dora’s Listening
@DorasListening · 0:18


Hi, Natasha. Thank you for commenting. Oh, wow. You and your son look amazing. And you look like you're having a lot of fun. But yeah, I totally agree with you. You do have to definitely go with your instinct. Yeah, I totally agree
Dora’s Listening
@DorasListening · 0:30


It's. Thank you so much for that, for commenting. Definitely you want to listen to your elders. I'm a true believer of listening to my elders. After that incident, I think it gave me a new affinity for older people. So this is not a girl who would ever have anything to do with ageism. All right, but thank you for your comment. I appreciate that
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8 · 2:39

@neenamaiya Thanks 😊 #mybaby #motherhood

You. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. Yes, I love my baby. He is a beautiful, bold, brilliant child and the most powerful human I'll ever know in my life. And yeah, I think motherhood is incredibly and impossibly hard
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8 · 1:13

@DorasListening Thanks 😊 #gut #life

But yeah, I have, I think, just bit around the sun too many times now to ever look at and question my gut again. I'm just like. Because even if my gut choice or decision isn't right, I would rather be in that space of wrong, understand what the lesson is, and then move forward, as opposed to being in a space where I find so many people can't make a decision or they question themselves and they doubt themselves so much
Dora’s Listening
@DorasListening · 0:52


Yes. Something I did once but will never do again. I still want others to tell me more stories. Let me give you another story I have. So once I went on a trip to Brazil. And I thought I could not go to the top of Sugarloaf mountain. I told them I would never get on that cart to go across to the top of that mountain. I did not think I could do it, but I did. I was able to do it
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8 · 1:30

@DorasListening You Go Sis 🙌🏾 #travel #neversaynever

And so I don't know if it was the water that we were jumping into or I don't know what was happening, but that part I would not want to repeat again. But going on adventures, hiking up mountains and seeing forests and other terrains is definitely a hell yeah. All
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:41
Thank you for sharing this with us. And yes, sometimes when you are watching children, we really want to imitate them. But yes, things can go haywire just like they happen to you. And I'm sure you still want to probably imitate children because they are so interesting to watch and their antics is especially so. I think what you did was pretty normal, but unfortunately you got hurt. So I just hope that the next time you try something, you don't get hurt
Dora’s Listening
@DorasListening · 1:48


They had some catfish and it was beautiful, laid out on the grill. They were grilling catfish. Oh my goodness. And the first thing, when they got ready to bring the ones that we had purchased, I guess my husband and his family, and they brought all these catfishes on the table and the first thing he said was, don't try this and don't. You know what I did? I tried it and I sure went through some digestive problems the next few days
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:21


You. Hi. Thank you for responding. And absolutely, I agree with you. Absolutely. No, there are things that we try and literalize that we were better off without actually giving it a try. So thank you so much for sharing this with us. Keep interacting and keep sharing. Bye
