Qamar Sultana
@DocQs · 1:50

What is a mental health hotline?

Hopefully it will get fixed and it will resume its service in the face of mental health crisis. What I would like to know from you guys is that don't you think such hotlines or such helplines or any websites or any step for that matter on a digital level should be taken in other countries as well? If most countries or all countries have taken such steps, then it will help curb the problem of mental health issues on a very large scale, don't you think?

#mentalhealthmatters #collegevoiceindia

Taha Abbas
@taha_oracle · 4:56
If you're offering therapy for money, then it will be reserved for the upper class only. So, yeah, I hope this message helped and thank you so much for listening. Keep posting. Take care
Qamar Sultana
@DocQs · 0:16


Hello. I appreciate your points of view. And I appreciate the insights you have given. NDS it might not be very accessible, but one step at a time in the right direction will definitely go a long way. Thank You
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Shahnawaz Khan
@outdatedtribe_ · 2:31
We need people, authoritative figures, to take responsibilities, to think about it, to take initiatives, or like appointing a counselor. And I have also come to know that there are colleges and even companies that are having counselors in their companies, and they're working towards mental health, because at least we have now become sensitive to mental health tissues
Qamar Sultana
@DocQs · 1:16


And you are right that if any measures are taken by the people who actually have a platform to address these issues, then it will be great. People with platform or people with authority speaking on important issues makes a lot of impact on the population on a large scale. I appreciate that you have highlighted these points and I hope that it helps everyone who is listening to it. Thank you
