Disha Agarwal
@disha_aga05 · 1:09

Insights into the life of a 'Software Developer' - Paras Deshpande

He's a software developer and today we'll talk about his journey and how he has worked throughout his years for making a name for himself. And without any further ado, I will now be introducing Paris Deshpande who is the founder of Streiso Codes. He also works as a graphic designer and a software developer. I now ask him to introduce himself. Thank you

In conversation with the founder of #InterviewAFriend #DishTales #collegevoiceindia #startup #entrepreneurship #poetsofswell #developing

Paras Deshpande
@paraswtf · 2:13

You can find me on youtube:

Then there are full check developers who can do both, who specialize in both. So even though I am more into front end development and web design, I have also had a lot of experience in the past with back end development. I'm even currently working on a music app and a lot of the work I do is with backend development. So I have a lot of experience with that as well. I'm also YouTube streamer
Disha Agarwal
@disha_aga05 · 1:13

How was your journey of becoming a developer? What it the "Log kya kahenge" ?? #InterviewAFriend #DishTales

Yes, of course, Paris. Because that's why I introduced also saying that we have worked together on a few projects. Now, that brings me to my next question. How or what inspired you to work on so many different things together? Because this is not another next door situation happening wherein that Sharmajika Beta is doing so many things together and actually is good at it. That is another thing we will be talking about
Paras Deshpande
@paraswtf · 4:39

My website:

So I got some components from him and a lot of them from my broken toys and I combined them and I got this microcontroller called Audreyno which you can program to do stuff. So I made this robot hand using cardboard and bunch of stuff from my broken toys which I could control with my phone during Halloween. So here is one of my first problems comes. So I wasn't really bothered by bullies, but I was annoyed by them because they used to break my stuff
Paras Deshpande
@paraswtf · 2:10
I'm good at web design, but not just every kind of design, but I still do it because there are a lot of my friends who need that and just do it for them. And then they know other friends who then somehow became my clients. And that's how I got into the entire design thing, which is a whole different story. So I'm not really the shamajika beta because I am really bad at studies. You can't call me that
Disha Agarwal
@disha_aga05 · 3:22

Do you believe in the luck factor? #DishTales #InterviewAFriend

And if not, then what, according to you, is the most important factor that goes into any person who wants to follow their dreams and how to be successful? Thank you. PS. I've also attached the book cover picture that Paris and his company staiser design mind for my anthology
Paras Deshpande
@paraswtf · 2:17

My instagram:

I also develop websites, I code stuff, I'm interning in a few places. So they just know a small amount of it, but they have honestly no clue about what I do. I just make money. That's what they know. And it's weird, but they support it. They're really supportive about it. That's that's, I guess, something that has gotten me so far in life. And, yeah, that's about it. Over to the Shah
Disha Agarwal
@disha_aga05 · 1:54

What are a few things that any budding and aspiring young person can take away from your journey? #InterviewAFriend #DishTales

We just don't sit and talk to them because the world is moving so fast, it's so swift and gradually we just lose the touch of just sitting down and talking to somebody. But that is a conversation for another time. Now we come to quite the end of this amazing interview podcast that I had today. I also would like to tell that this was the first time I'm interviewing somebody on Swell. So thank you for being my first guest, as I already said it earlier
Paras Deshpande
@paraswtf · 4:24

Programming discord: Code discord: My email:

I'll put the link in the description as well. That's a place where most of the software developers hang out, they solve problems. There are like channels for different programming languages where you can ask your questions and other experienced people will answer them. There is reddit also. There is also one more server, discord GG code. I'll put the link in the description as well, if I can. And there are a lot of online communities you can join
Disha Agarwal
@disha_aga05 · 2:39

Take each day as it comes! #InterviewAFriend #DishTales #poetsofswell #collegevoiceindia #swellcast

Okay? So this is one thing which I can agree with you, because even I am somebody who believes in experience at hand, because you will not learn once you don't experience. Just start, start with something like, for example, I'll give a very basic example here. I love to cook, but I don't know how to, so oh, it's not like I have failed multiple times to make a lot of things
Disha Agarwal
@disha_aga05 · 0:51

You can ask us questions, now!

You can find him and you can connect with him and me respectively. Thank you so much for listening and it means a lot for both of us that you took your time out of the day to listen to us just sitting and talking about nothing in general. Thank you so much and keep writing, keep listening and keep shining
Harsh Bisht
@ha.rsh. · 1:16


Hello. Hey Paras. I just heard your interviews talks. I thought it was amazing. Kudos to you. Credits to you on your achievements. Congratulations. Congratulations my brother. So I just wanted to ask you this one thing if you're aware of the situation right now there's this new fashion that is going on right now. It's like people are beginning to avoid any engineering courses or anything related to computers and coding. It's been a new fashion
gungun bansal
@gungunbansal_ · 0:42
Hi paras deshpande the software developer. I always wonder such kind of courses are really insightful and really great that people are actually using their skills instead of just theoretical knowledge. I would really appreciate your presence here, but I want to ask something like what are the skills what are the mindset should have before possessing our career in software developing? Or like, choosing the line related to software developing what should be the mindset before getting into this kind of career? Thank you so much for posting this
Paras Deshpande
@paraswtf · 2:52


And if you are there just for the money, you can't learn new things. So it is kind of a circle you shouldn't be stuck in if you are there just for the money, these things about to happen. But if you are genuinely looking to learn, I don't think that should be a problem for you. And companies are looking to get more employees that are really efficient at their work
Paras Deshpande
@paraswtf · 1:28


Because when you are working, your priorities might change and it is not necessarily important to make a thing that is the best, but rather maybe it would be more important to do that in a given time frame. And you should really learn to also include that in your work
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:25


Hi, Paris. So, first of all, I really appreciate your swell and your replies. It was really motivating. Plus, I want to know that. Here's a small question. Even though I am not pursuing my career in terms of software developing, but still, I just want to know what was your journey like? How did you start and what are you doing right now? Maybe like in a detailed manner, can you let me know about it? I would be so happy
Paras Deshpande
@paraswtf · 4:37

@Manalika reply[Part-1/3]

And even at that time it was the COVID period. So a lot of people were using Discord. So it grew really fast. And that's when I got into this development thing. And since Discord made it really easy to do that, it was just really quick. And because it was the lockdown, I also got a lot of people to test it. So that was one of my first projects. I think the time is limited on this audio, so I'll reply with another post
Paras Deshpande
@paraswtf · 5:00

@Manalika reply[Part-2/3]

So I dug into those individual rabbit holes and just went for it and just research about everything I could do in that and learn from that. And as for currently what I do, I am the founder of CISO Codes which is graphic design and web web design company. Basically we are just a bunch of friends right now who design stuff and we have some really old clients which we work with
Paras Deshpande
@paraswtf · 2:55

@Manalika reply[Part-3/3]

I also still do a bunch of random stuff, which is not really useful. So I basically saw this video in Reels, which had a really nice gaming setup and he had these lights in his ceiling which were covered with cotton, like foam or fiber, I don't know what you would call that. So try to recreate that and you could find that on my Insta story highlights
Charvi Dhiran
@charvi24 · 1:03


Hi, Paris. This is Charlie here, and your journey seems very inspiring and motivating, and your swells are quiet, insightful as well. And even though I'm not exactly like, software development is not exactly my niche. But I do have a question for you as a student, and who is going towards a career right now, the transitioning from high school to college
@Kavya._gopal · 0:33


You. Hi, there. Shannon paris. Lovely to come across both of you. So, my question would be, what is your tactic of handling failure? Like, as you go through your journey? There will be setbacks, there will be things that turn out not the way in which you thought they would turn out. So, what is your strategy for bouncing back and keeping things going, like recovering from failure and keeping on your track in following your dreams?
