Disha Agarwal
@disha_aga05 · 5:00

What is Peace?

When I hear this pure, magical word, the first thing I see is a satisfied soul and not just a quiet that has prevailed. But when quiet indeed prevails, it may be for mourning a death or even remembering something great, or just a quiet night's sleep. Peace is not the product of terror or fear. Peace is not the silence of cemeteries. Peace is not the silent result of violent repression. Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all

When we dispel the dust of hate, peace will previal #swellcast #poetsofswell #peacevswar #life #humanity #unity #poetry #students #peace #DishTales

Prabha Iyer
@PSPV · 1:34

#voiceoverpoets #Swellcast #peace #judgement #unity #poetry #lifeandhumanity #beinghuman

The way I take it, the wrongs for me will not be wrong for you. 80 the rights for you need not be the right for me. So it depends upon the way you take. So live in peace and let others live too. Because the world today needs peace, patience and trust. I really like the topic. Thank you so much
Shrawani Shravs
@castleofnovels · 0:43

Peace #blanketofstars #peaceful #books #ocean

The world peace beholds a special place in my heart. And if I question myself where I can find it, then my answer will be sitting under the blanket of stars and droning into the ocean of books where I can enjoy myself and be in the world where I dreamt. For me, peace is the place where I can have the freedom of doing what I want and living the way I dreamed I want and I chosen
Muskan Bothra
@Heart_sayer · 1:28

Well peace is a 5 letter word which has lots of meaning in each ones point of view. #peace #peacesaying #swell #swellsofindia #voiceofindia #poets

But they couldn't find it. But yes, it has lots of definitions, lots of explanations and lots of circumstance. For some, peace would be quarreling, satisfaction of heart and for some, peace would be hanging out from the tires of walls. Yes. Each one has a very different views, so definitely just to file at a word, but the length of emotions carried in it
