Derek Pierre
@DerekPierre · 4:53

#TellYourStory | A project that I could not complete...

Be telling people what to do to inspire, whether it's deep or real or any of this other shit? So I stopped. I stopped that six month journey, and I went on my own six month journey. I didn't really share it with anybody. I lost 80 pounds in that six months. I moved in that six months. I got a new job in that six months. I met my spouse in that six months. Life changed in a pretty major way

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb26 @phil

sayra kidd
@Saykidd · 4:12
It's all about being able to share and connect with each other, no matter how far, no matter how close we are. Have a blessed day and let me get to my meditation breath work. Bye. Talk to you soon. Bye
