Derek Pierre
@DerekPierre · 4:14

#TellYourStory | A person I admire for having made a change in their life.. Admiring my love.

And watching her go from that single woman to being my spouse, my partner, my fiance, that was such a crazy transition. And I was so proud to see her do it because she killed it. And she's so smart. Like, her brain is like a supercomputer. She can think about so many things at one time, and just to see the way she maintains. That was so beautiful. Most recently, I seen her step into the position of being a mother

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb15

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:12
I loved how you had this vibe to want to go to Chicago, and you was like, nah. And then you met her and she's from like, that was amazing. That's almost like, divinely you were here in Chicago, your spirit, but it wasn't so much to go with. You're going to have connection to Chicago. And I don't know if you guys had a chance to travel back to her hometown, but you got a Chicago connection through her
Isoellen Writes
@Isoellen · 0:36
This was so good. Thank you for sharing that. Wow. I hope she knows you're bragging on her and that you are just. I'm sure she knows all the other things, that you're there for her in every way. But to have somebody brag on me like that, man, what a fun and honor and loving thing to do. And for you to point out all those things, to see her so clearly. Oh, my goodness. That was beautiful. Beautiful
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Derek Pierre
@DerekPierre · 1:06


Thank you so much for that energy. I really appreciate. Actually, I did get to share this with my lady. She actually hopped on toll and heard herself, and it was very powerful. She loved it. She was moved, so it made me happy. And you know what, I'll be honest with you, the whole Chicago piece of it, I remember just so specifically while I was going to Chicago, I was going to be working in, I think it's
Derek Pierre
@DerekPierre · 0:47


It. Thank you so much for this energy. I really appreciate you. I got to share this with my lady. She got to hear it and it lit her up. It was beautiful and no, definitely. I feel like to be able to put your partner up for me, like that's major. I'd be lying if I told you she doesn't do the same for me. I feel like the world itself is already so harsh and it could be such a critical place
