Heart Words
@DeeThreets · 3:06

Poem: Projecting

I'm going to read a poem that is called projecting I saw an image of me through you perspective from a different view and everything I knew to be true was my reflection dwelling inside of you and what I saw was pain from neglect and there was hurt from others that caused disrespect and it was hard to accept the part I played so I grew comfortable with blame because I was afraid guilty of shame fear and defeat invited you in because misery loves company and I searched myself trying to figure it out seeking for a solution while making you the easy route judging myself yet searching for grace and I didn't understand that love needed to take place I was always rushing trying to ignore bargaining with myself to even some kind of score and asking what caused this pain that I had to endure telling myself to go on through because life just isn't fair and when I needed people the most no one was there no efforts on my behalf and there was a lack of care be brave, be bold and trust no one but you the happiness seemed so far away to pursue and I was heavy loaded with so many issues I was just confused feeling numb my trauma and hurt caused so many mistakes my own destruction led to disgrace so I did my best but it was never good enough condemning myself there was no unconditional love and I tried hard and I still missed the spot forgiveness is free and I gave it all I got so I'm putting the pieces back together from the bridges that I burn and I'm repeating lessons that I've never learned so the scales are tilted and it's taken so much time but the choice to change is only mine so please forgive me and ignore my pride because I was projecting on you what I felt down on the inside you thank you guys for listening from my heart to yours, be well

#heartwords #projection #forgive #love
