Deepak Chhabria



Engineer by profession. Writer, poet, mentor, anchor and a podcaster by passion.

Deepak Chhabria
@deepakchhabria · 5:00
The first job interview I ever had...

#sdp24Apr30 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @phil

Deepak Chhabria
@deepakchhabria · 3:49
Gabriel Garcia Marquez | What matters in life is not what happens to you but what you remember and how you remember it...

#sdp24Apr24 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @dbpardes

Deepak Chhabria
@deepakchhabria · 2:21
A small change I made that had a big impact...

#sdp24Apr18 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @rocio

Deepak Chhabria
@deepakchhabria · 3:51
Life at my neighbourhood park...

#sdp24Apr12 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @dbpardes

Deepak Chhabria
@deepakchhabria · 2:55
All about my podcast | Podcasting AMA - Urban Nirvana Podcast

What is Urban Nirvana? In this post, I talk about what my podcast is about. Join me on Swell for an AMA #AMAonSwell #urbannirvana #deeptalks

Deepak Chhabria
@deepakchhabria · 1:58
Podcasting AMA - Urban Nirvana Podcast

Ask Me Anything about Podcasting - Urban Nirvana Podcast Join me on Swell for an AMA around podcasting #AMAonSwell #urbannirvana #deeptalks

Deepak Chhabria
@deepakchhabria · 0:51
Intro :)

Just an intro :)