Debashri Dutta
@DebMDutta · 3:31

Intro to your content marketing knowlddge

So, with the Internet being so prevalent and everybody having access to websites, social media through their smartphones, we're talking about billions of people in the world. Like no matter how poor they are, they have access to at least social media on a smartphone. We're talking about unprecedented communication between people. So content is really the main way that everybody gets information, it's the way everyone communicates, it's how ideas are developed and built between people, no matter where they are


Sarita pramod
@pocketofstories · 0:20
Hi Devishri. Good morning. It's a well spoken piece and thank you for sharing the knowledge. Kudos to you for making it very clear and concise. Please do keep on sharing more of these knowledge inputs. They're golden nuggets for us. So thank you
Denise Lewis
@myconfettitree3 · 2:56
And I understand that, but I don't understand, I guess, the cost of it and how they break that down and how they sell their content. I guess if you want to say you're worth $52 an hour and they give you 4 hours, you know, there's $200. So to me, it's a good tool. Social media is amazing, and I think there's a way to do it. I'm just figuring, like I said, figuring this all out
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Debashri Dutta
@DebMDutta · 0:25


Thank you Sarita. First of all, I want to say I had no idea that I had gotten a reply. I am completely new to swell and thank you so much for responding and saying that you found it useful. It makes a big difference and I followed you back. I'm looking forward to listening to your swell podcast as well. Really appreciate it. Hopefully I'll be faster with replies now
Debashri Dutta
@DebMDutta · 4:20


So I want to say that it's actually difficult to make a dent nowadays in content because there are so many established blogs and media companies that have been around for decades who have a huge amount of authority and trust in the market so competing with them is hard but my concept is that we need to distribute our work in more places. Swell is something that I started doing because I thought it would be interesting to get into a podcast
