Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:52

Welcome to the Mental Wellness Station

It's really about looking at a day in our life that might feel really stuck and hard and finding words to express how you're feeling and sharing out into the world those feelings and seeing whose voices come back to you to soothe you, to give you some sense of that you're not alone. Mental wellness is really a practice, and I think part of that practice is finding language that really represents how you're feeling. And it might be awkward, it might be stumbling, it might be messy

Let’s stay close and talk with each other about the tough stuff

Beth Bourland
@LittleGirl1978 · 5:00
Yeah, mental wellness. Let's see, what can I say about that? It can be tough. Very tough, and to be very hard to talk about because there's so much at stuff that goes on on it that it's hard to explain. People have hard time explaining it, and you can switch people over to understand and get but unless they've been your shoes, they'll never get it. They won't understand. For me is bipolar because I have bipolar one
Sammyaka Ambhore
@sammystery_24 · 0:55
I totally agree with you by being when you have a mental disorder or mental wellness, it does it does affect you a lot internally and at externally, because people don't understand it. And especially when you are in the mania or euphoric state at that time, people really think that you're acting crazy. But if you're in the press state, they try to sympathize you. So just like episodes of mania or depression, the people change their behavior from judgmental to extremely sympathetic ethics
Kelly Bair
@Gemini22 · 1:25
I suffer from depression. And lately I've been really depressed. You know, I have no family here. Nobody really to talk to. I tried writing journaling. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. If the weather's permitted. I live in Buffalo, New York, so the weather hasn't been very cooperative. So I do try to get out and walk just to clear my head again. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't
Kelly Bair
@Gemini22 · 1:18
I have my husband, but a lot of times he's not home. Like now. I haven't seen him since 11:00 yesterday morning. No phone call since 615 last night. So who am I to talk to? I can't talk to my cat. She's not going to answer back. I was just wondering if there are other outlets
grace pouri
@gracepouri · 2:47
Since it didn't happen, it was only once. I feel like it didn't hit me as hard as now it being so frequent and seeing like oh my gosh, life is so delicate. I've never really thought about it until a lot
Greg Dickson
@ElasticBD · 3:59

I love how you shared "finding the words" to express what you’re feeling and thinking and experiencing in life contributes to one’s mental wellness

I can't remember. It's been a while since I've been here. I think that what you said about finding the words to express yourself, to express how you're feeling. That really is an interesting perspective because if we're confused, the words are going to be difficult. Clarity always makes it easier to speak and share our voice and share our thoughts. One of the things that I've been looking at is there's a whole stigma around mental wellness, mental health, mental illness
Palak Jain
@palakjain · 0:29
Mental wellness in today's world has become a trending topic and it feels so good that people have finally started talking about it openly in front of the world. I am familiar to many people who have have gone through depression and seeing they applied have filled me with tears because it is not as simple as it seems from outside. Much respect for the people who are there for loved ones in such times of support
Sherry Ricard
@Hello1234Rufat · 2:19


Hello I listened to your post and I can relate. The weather in New England has been ridiculous the last few months. Hot, cold, rainy, snowing, crazy weather for spring. Of course it's normal in New England, but you live in Buffalo, New York, which is some pretty crazy weather there too, I think. Anyway, what I do is try to do something I enjoy. Like I enjoy doing a lot of different crafts and things
Hansika Reddy
@Hansikareddy · 0:16
This is a Kelly, thoughtful station. And I really think it is the need of the Pouri. And I would love to listen to how someone's day went and try to make a to feel better. It's
Jeff Baldwin
@JeffBaldwin627 · 0:43


Hi Jim and I 22. I just wanted to respond to what you posted. If you get lonely and you don't have to talk to anybody in particular, just anybody that you trust, family, friends, work colleagues, whoever. And yes, talking to your cat is not weird. I Palak to my cat all the time. He's a very good listener. He doesn't as I had to talk back, but he'll listen or she dill listen. Depending on sex
Jordan Brown
@ModernGentleman · 1:14

Just my thoughts

Instead of just saying, oh, nothing or I'm okay or I'm doing fine. Opening up in depth to people regarding mental health can be a challenge for some, especially if they feel they might be judged or might not be understood. So it definitely helps when you have platforms, if you've got friends where you feel you can kind of open up to and talk to about how you're really doing instead of just pretending that you're okay
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:06


And I've heard that quite a lot on swell how people are just talking and sharing. They're adding a category to their swell. They're saying like this belongs in the mental health station or in the self care station, but they're not necessarily boxing themselves in. And I think all of us have challenges. And whether we magnify them to a prognosis or we just let it be part of our self care to speak and find community
Angie Clark
@AngieC · 4:10
But I also think too, that with time comes more life experiences and things that you've been through. And I've been through some stuff, some pretty horrible relationships. And I went through an event. I guess it's been about five years ago now. I found out that my dad is not my dad. And that happened after I had lost my mom. I had lost my brother, and it ended bad. He was my best friend. He was my dad
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:53


Hey, Angie, it's really Kelly. Good to hear your voice. And it's so interesting. You ended this with such a positive note, having shared with us some of the stuff you're going through. And you're right, like having a space to talk to people. You find common threads. You can find common stories, stories
Greg Dickson
@ElasticBD · 4:22

Learning is my top Lighthouse value, what’s yours??

It's been a long time. I've been away, been busy, hiding out from covet and dealing with life and pivoting the business and all that. So not any different than what you all have been going went through, I'm sure just thought I'd reach out and contribute to mental health and wellness, which I'm still learning a lot about. Take care. Bye
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 1:13
But I know things about mental health that people need to be informed about so they can be able to come to accountability of whatever it is that they're going through and realize that there's help out there that they can receive, so they can be better, not just for themselves, but for their loved ones and be able to show that help is there. So agree that this is a very important matter that needs to be discussed
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:29


Hey, Crystal, thank you so much for adding to this really interesting thread. And I agree with you that, you know, mental health, mental wellness is it feels like it's a very collaborative conversation here. And accountability ability has kind of a love to it, too. It doesn't sound like it's something we're keeping track of. It's just a sense of support that we all can contribute to each other's journey
Deepanshu Goyal
@deepanshugoyal · 1:08


I completely agree with you. Mental wellness is kind of the most important thing on which we can talk about. And to be honest, people will find it a little bit tough because there is so much to talk about and mental wellness, but there are not that many listeners and even the Orator found it tough to explain it. But still, people talk about mental wellness, which is really good
George Cican
@AskGeorge · 0:46


Hi Debra George here from Askgeorge. First, I would like to thank you for this amazing station that you created. Yes, I agree that. So the best way to treat our brain kind of diseases and colds is to talk about them. Pretty much. It's going to be a short reply. Just want to thank you for this station. Keep up the good work and looking forward to hear the next swellcast. All the very best of Bro. Bye
Greg Dickson
@ElasticBD · 3:43

@DBPardes checking in, how are you? mental health is challenging everyone

And when the things around us change and the people around us change and our society changes and the rules change and the expectations change, and is it any wonder that we're all a little bit stressed and perhaps struggling to make sense of it? It's totally understandable. And I think mental health is actually being redefined. I was working with a start up that is going to be tackling a specific area of mental health through an app using different technology that they're developing. It's fascinating
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:22

@LifeOrigami @AskGeorge

Hey, Greg and George, I wanted to thank you both for saying something similar about the importance of talking, but also inside different cultures, the safety is different, right. So there's is a different level of, I guess, boundary in the corporate space and the cultural norms of a corporate work Grace than perhaps in a particular family or a gathering of friends or society at large. So I think there's micro and macro cultures. Right. So I guess you start where you are
Greg Dickson
@ElasticBD · 4:57

@DBPardes I’ve been thinking about social capital and the pandemic

And I'm seeing that more and more every day, and I'm trying to look at it and kind of audit some of my attitudes, my beliefs, my perspectives, my points of view. Is that something I really want to hold onto? Is that something that I'm going to defend? Is that a Hill I want to defend? Is that an issue that's really important? And the truth is that we can't live our lives whether we're on Square or Twitter or Facebook
Marie McKenzie
@NurseM · 0:22
So glad to find this community. Mental health is so important for everything we do. Good mental health affects how we show up in all areas of our lives. So I look forward to sharing


I had a driving force in my life that I needed to make a toolbox and I have a toolbox but when I'm going through a really difficult time loke recently I've been going through with my elderly parents and now their mental wellness are revealing themselves and actually helping me understand that it's not all me and understanding that there's a lot more to this story and I'm able to see after all these decades later anyway
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:32


Loki. Thank you so much for responding to Greg. And I love the phrase reading in my inside garden. It really sends me to a really gentle, fertile, but very sort of specific space of making sure things aren't strangling. The growth of other things, what weeds do so well. Right. Great image. I just wanted to call that out to you. Thank you so much
Greg Dickson
@ElasticBD · 2:22

Release our energy to the paper

As you write on the paper, you release the energy of what it is that you're processing to the paper and then look at the paper as the receptacle that it is and then decide what you want to do with it. Because if you release the energy to the paper, then I think we're better able, once we look at it, after we've written and looked at it, we're able to get to a place of acceptance, awareness and acceptance at that point
Rakesh BS
@Rakyesh · 1:13
But I think if you can keep your thoughts, if you can keep your deeds, and if you keep your karma the way it has to be dealt with, I think your brain would automatically get itself the needed inspiration and the support that will make your life better and better
Dharthi Chipalkatti
@dharthiiii · 1:18
And it is very saddening for me to say that though this is one of the most required field and the most part of our lives that are supposed to be given a lot of importance, ironically, it's not. But to understand where we are coming from, why we marie feeling what we are feeling and all of that, I feel like everybody, probably even in our education system, we have to have psychology as one of our basic subjects so that it helps us works mostly in our life
Poonam Hiranandani
@poons · 1:49


Hey. It's been seven months, but I've downloaded well, just, you know, a couple of days ago, and I came across your, you know, talk about, you know, wondering if there could be any other outlets. What really helps me is writing down about things that I love doing and then going and doing them. It could be anything. It could be line dancing. It could be salsa dancing. Try something new. Go for a hike with a group
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:37


Hey, Poons. Thank you for keeping this conversation alive and your suggestions. I hope Gemini gets to hear them. They're so concrete and it's just so helpful sometimes when your mind is spinning in the world seems very out of control, to have very discreet goals that are measurable and have a sense of easy delight about them and that are very sort of, in a way, kind of private. But you can really hold them. To pouri choice and say, I'm doing this
Rahul Kumar Gupta
@Rocky_Krishn · 4:04


Then these things will give you more comfort ness. If you sing a song and if you publish it onto the social media and people will react on them. Then you dill be fine. You will be feel more happy. And they also want to meet you. So don't be in the person that your husband is not near to you or he is not talking to you. No problem. You are near to you. That is fine. Okay
Roomi Tarik
@roomi · 1:41

Thank you!

I'm really glad that these stations are taken seriously and these topics have taken seriously. I've been finding myself, I don't know, a dead end. Sometimes during the weekend, it because I have got my hospital ships. I've got my internship with Nike and the Atlantic. And although I love my jobs, I'm living here alone in London. I moved recently from my other countries. I've got this dual citizenship and I'm all alone. I cook alone
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:44


Rumi. Thank you so much for connecting here on this channel. And, you know, it's interesting how your guitars there's a vast number of guitars, but they kind of represent solace for you and a place to kind of hang your weary head. At the end of the day, I really enjoy music as well. I have a few guitars, and I don't play them enough, so thank you for reminding me
Lydia Anderson
@Smiley_Lydia250 · 1:17

#mentalhealth #postpartum #mentalhealthprofessional

What I have said to myself is that what would make it all worth? It is if I could use my experience to help someone else. I have taken that on as a personal challenge and now work in the mental health field as a caseworker and hope to one day become a licensed clinical social worker. I love seeing people change their lives and I love being able to use what could be really negative experiences to help other people who are suffering and struggling
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:15


Lydia. Hi. I wanted to welcome you to not only this station, but also to Swell. And I really appreciate your story and the trajectory of your life is so inspiring because you were able to look at the opportunity to serve others by understanding how you were better selfcaring yourself. Self caring is not a verb, but it's inspiring

Love that you have created a safe space

And then sometimes you don't even know if it's you or someone else who has it, because it's something that does not get diagnosed, because a lot of us are either afraid to go to the doctor or do not get tested for mental health issues. So I'm so glad that there's a space where we can come and we could talk about those things means and other people will understand without judging. And I just think it's beautiful, and I'm so excited to be here
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:58


And then Trevor was saying, well, that's stupid. Like, screen people who don't have anxiety, they're the ones that are crazy. He's like, how could you live in this world without anxiety? And it was just a spot on joke, because who doesn't have anxiety? And I just love the way he's just threw up his hands and said, my God, we are all suffering in this day and age. So I just wanted to share that with you
Taha Abbas
@taha_oracle · 5:00
We have been seeing that since the 60s how yoga and the new age culture has boomed and it has spread across the world. Yes, it has a lot of benefits, it has helped many people, no doubt. But it's like there's a fine line between faith and delusion, right? And you have to be honest with yourself that where do I need to work on myself?
Abena Dansoa
@MzzDansoa · 0:16


Hello, gemini 22. My name is Abnadanswa. I read your output and I was wondering, where do you live? Would you like to catch up some time? What do you enjoy doing? Yeah, let me know
Caro Copete
@Stayabsurda · 4:48
That's what my invitation is today. That was my opinion and my pass today in this patient of wellness. I hope it helps someone to wake up in a better mood today. And yeah, I'm waiting to hear from you to listen. What are your opinions about this? Just hoping everyone is happy as I am every day of my life
Human Afterall
@HumanAfterall · 3:39


Yeah, I think these things help my mental conscience to be confident, to be all embracing, to love people, to help them and live the only life I have got with peace, harmony and love. Thank you
Gayathri Bimal
@gayathribimal · 4:28
It was actually goyal under me. I think most of the people had all these experiences mainly on mental stress and other depression. All those things to me as well. I think the worst and state actually happened over these days. I think one good part of corona is like after that more people became aware of mental wellness and about mental health. Loke, what is the importance of having a proper mental health or awareness about it?
Dona D
@Donna29 · 4:28
So I connect to a lot of these people in my workspace who are my colleagues and I find them running to me from time to time in expressing about their deepest of fears, sorrows. And it's always been very difficult for me to understand that why would somebody come and approach me even if I what way did I make them feel that they felt comfortable to come and tell me?
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:55
So when you're going through mental trauma and drama, that helps. It really, truly, truly helps. And thank you for the opportunity to speak on this topic. Appreciate it
Poulome Nath
@Polly · 4:44

#mentalhealth #selfcare

Because you spend years during the school life, and then if the only thing that you remember is the kind of stiffness that you felt in the classrooms or you felt that your wings were clipped, that growing up, it affects everything else. So when people understand what mental health is, I think we should be more empathetic. We should stop the finger pointing, stop defending the people who causes a stress or have that toxic negativity around them
will guzman
@wilshine729 · 3:02

@Gemini22 hi friend

Somehow, some way, even do depression loke. These days, I don't want to paint. These days I don't feel like even picking up a marker. And it's weird because those days I'll just lay on my bed and bring the painting towards me, whatever I'm painting on, and I'll just dabble that way, but not really even wanting to, and not even being fully interested
Lindsay Musgrove
@newtus · 1:15
Not just not just for the mental illness, but it really practicing like mental wellness in my everyday life is really like it creates routine for me. It creates a sense of more of a sense of self and more of a sense of even understanding who I am, a person. It's so important to me selfcare. There's so much to speak on regarding that
Monalisa Ebenezer
@MonalisaEbeneze · 1:54
So I think this has certainly encouraged me and this is a kind of an open platform where we understand each other and we know that we are not just one person who is going through this. Since our society does not let us pick up what we actually feel or we feel lonely at times, not knowing whom to share our heart out. And I think this is a nice way to end up hearing the other stories as well
Kalyani Jada
@warrior_kvj · 4:41

#dubblehappy about mental helth

And what you can do is how you respond. Don't react to the things, respond, sit back, think about it and do what your gut feeling says. So mental health is not always same to everyone. Some people do struggle with it, but there are some who have understood how to capture it. So we can learn from them, we can learn from them
