Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:43

We Can Talk About Aging and Caregiving | Join in with NYTimes journalist + Lawyer Angela Macropoulos

Angela's background, she's a lawyer, first of all, which is very interesting, and she is also a journalist, spent years writing for the New York Times. And I don't have any sort of stepping stones for this conversation. I want it to be as wide and as broad as possible. My initial conversation with Angela on the phone was so extraordinary and broad, I just feel like I want to introduce Angela to this community and see where this goes

#agjng #caregiver #journalism

Theo Seibold
@Thatoneweirdo · 4:58


That's why life is sacred, and that's why individuals, their lives are important, because they don't last. And when you have your parents in my case, both my parents have passed one in 2016, one in 2019. And once you see them leave this world, you come to the conclusion that one day, unfortunately, I'll be in that bed. And it also kind of reminds us that there was a world long before we got here
Michael Lipkin
@mslipkin · 3:43

Highly recommended! Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End

And then on the flip side, on the other end of the spectrum, we had my mother died of 53, so from cancer, which ravaged her very quickly. We didn't heal that well either, even though it was only five weeks from start to finish. She should have been at home on hospice and not in a hospital and died in a hospital bed. That's something I've learned
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:18

@mslipkin @Thatoneweirdo

I have a funnier one, which is, may you live to four foot eight. Because I think we just shrink ten inches before we before we die. That the humor part. Oh, my God. Please let there be laughter when I'm leaving this earth. I pray for that. Okay, well, hopefully Angela will be coming on and giving us some lots, too. Anybody else who wants to join? This is going great
Sherle polk
@ShareTheCareNet · 2:19


I would appreciate the feedback, the two way feedback, and I hope everything goes well with your journey through caregiving with your loved one. And always remember this my mantra is this who cares for the caregiver? The answer is you. You have to care for your self first so that way you'll be able to care for the ones who depend upon you. So take care, keep smiling and God bless. And P-S-I hope you live to 120
