Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 3:39

#JingleSwell | Ruth

And I feel very lucky to know that experience, to have that feeling, because she's not blood to me, but she feels like a deep, deep river of knowing. And boy, is that a gift. And her magic with other people, her ability to teach people about their own ability to garden and to delight in things that are very simple, that's a gift that she gives others, that I watch her do that, and it's so amazing. And her son is my godson

#soulsister @gardening

Ruth Steinberg
@gardening · 0:24
You. This is just so. It's. What? A gift. That's what I can say. Thank you. Unbelievably, from the bottom of my heart, this is really something that I can cherish for the entire year, reflect upon. And I wish I could give it back to you. And thank you, my dear friend. What a beautiful, beautifully poetic message
