Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 3:07

Robespierre Dornagon : Dancing with ETHICAL TECH

Okay, the first question I really want to have is a general one with you. You are shifting your energy, right? So you're doing this now. Everybody should know that Roth Pierre also is a dancer, and he takes his work very seriously in the sense that he teaches also. So imagine being a dancer and someone who also can communicate how to dance. That is interesting to me as a metaphor, because things in motion stay in motion, right? We want to keep things going

#ethicalTech #socialjustice #socialmedia #shareAcause @robespierre

Robespierre Dornagon · 4:41
I think that's the most basic way I can sort of put it without getting too technical, but I'm just a strong advocate in believing that technology is meant for good. And when we start to wobble off stage, when we start to lose that focus and that balance, that's when it gets concerning. And that's where sort of I want to focus my energy and attention to moving forward after being in it for so long
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:14

@robespierre dissemination ….

Do you give them, like, a tip sheet or the do's and don'ts? How do you help people help you disseminate this kind of information through their worlds?
Robespierre Dornagon · 4:50
We often see on the subways or on our commutes just how glued people are onto our phones. And I'm also there too. I'm checking things, I'm getting replying back to people. But it's just making sure that at least when we're using this technology, that when we're engaging with platforms, that we're just being mindful about it. Right
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:39


Yeah. That really sits with me in a deep way. The internalization of a philosophy before you try to proselytize it out into the world. Amen for that to walk your talk, for sure. I want to ask you one more question, and then let's see where this goes with the world. And I'm just happy you're on. Swell. My final question has to do with the one on one
Robespierre Dornagon · 3:29

@DBPardes #socialmediapsychology

And there is this incredible need to be as self aware as possible about what you're trying to convey. Right. So in instances where we might be seeing inappropriate use of communication through emails or DMs or social media or technology, I think that's where the awareness needs to kick in for that person. Right. And I agree that is difficult. How do you start a conversation with someone about that sort of self awareness for how they come across digitally? Right
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:30


So it's really going to be good stuff. It's going to be fun to watch you do what you're doing. Um, and and also, just thank you for being here as an artist as well as as a dancer, as a choreographer, as someone who moves through the world feeling and seeing and creating, I'm sure that we'll be getting a little taste of that as well here. So anyway, wonderful to speak with you and welcome to Swell
