Deborah Arrona
@darrona · 4:55

Tis The Season

And after several weeks on that vent and just trying to overcome multiple pneumonias that were really brutal to her, she died. And this year coming up is going to make it four years since she's been gone, and it's the heaviest it's been yet. I know people claim that time heals all wounds, but that is not true. I have actually found the opposite to be true. And I feel like I can't breathe until I acknowledge this

I made it to winter break. I return to Work January 8, 2024. I get to care for myself full time for a bit, but first…the grief. #ShareYourStory

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:22
I cannot imagine the pain. I can't. But I thank you for sharing it on here. And I hope you know that somebody's listening. And, yeah, I hope the holidays are so hard, but I send you a lot of warmth and, yeah, and I send you all the best

@darrona @darrona #breathe #grief #Survivor #ASD I have no idea what Swell is so God and #Aria, my new #Angel, on #Christmas, led me straight to you

Meaning in my jones, not my brain, is that she is still with you in a fullness that is even greater than when she walked on this plane. And the reason that I know this for you is because I feel it for me. I not only met Arya through your her description, which was so weighted on the joyfulness, while also speaking to the tragedy and circumstances of her loss, she's so real to the
