The Daily Swell
@daily · 4:35

Are phones to blame for a mental health epidemic?

article image placeholderSocial Media is a Major Cause of the Mental Illness Epidemic in Teen Girls. Here’s The Evidence.
She said that the book's repeated suggesting that digital technologists are rewiring our children's brains and causing an epidemic of mental illness is not supported by science, and that the bold proposal that social media is to blame might distract us from effectively responding to the real causes of the current mental health crisis in young people. But Haight has responded and responded on Twitter, and thus we have had some Twitter fights between haight and other psychologists and other people




It's too much on the human brain, you know, and body to even keep up with, like, the expectations of somehow they're being more worth to who you are based on if you go viral or if your account has x number of followers. Like, apparently this is a thing people ask now, when you go to date, how many followers do you have in your account? And depending on the number, can be problematic or one way or the other. Right?
Harvey Pullings II
@The79thstreetkd · 4:57
Absolutely not. I do believe that a great deal of us who don't use our cell phones to that degree, there is a percentage of people I know that don't have social media and they have flip phones where you. It's literally just a communication device. So many of them are just dealing with a lot of financial burden, I'm sure environmental things, when it comes to bad neighborhoods, housing, all those things, homelessness, their reality is enough to create mental illness
MJ Brewer
@Mommas_Jungle · 1:39

When people are allowed to blame items for their lack of self-control, there’s a responsibility issue at play here.

The biggest misconception with people blaming objects for their behavior is that objects don't have a premise for making people do things. It comes back to self control. If people were taught, children especially, were taught to have self control, we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now. The issue is that children do not have self control. I'll give you a guess as to why that is. Because their parents have no idea what self control is