The Daily Swell
@daily · 4:56

O.J. Simpson has passed away

article image placeholderOJ Simpson, former football star acquitted of murder, dies at 76
And I remember I had, my aunt and uncle were freshly retired, and they spent every morning watching the trial, and they weren't alone. I think Court TV probably had its highest ratings ever broadcasting that trial. It was all over the news, and it was all anybody was really watching. Everybody was paying attention to this trial. And then the verdict came in. He was acquitted. And I remember I was working at the time, and we were all huddled around one tv

#AskSwell Where were you for the chase? The verdict? https://s.swell.life/SU9eM7xLW9NdeJl

Ray King
@RayRayPhillyKat · 1:36
Hey, I was working in Scottsdale back then, and I met one of the detectives, and he told me that article in the Suntime or whatever, that paper overseas or whatever, they had footage of that little walkway, and that Ron Goldman had a key between his knuckles with blood and chunks on it. So he fought back. She was laying on the ground with her neck cut from ear to ear, and there's a little area. So there was no way OJ could have done it
Harvey Pullings II
@The79thstreetkd · 4:57

What a legacy.

There was rumors of police officers taking care of him when he was in holding during the trial. So he's a fascinating figure in media. And I think, unfortunately, because of the murders and how everything played out in the later part of his life, that's the only thing that's going to be focused on. But I think from a social aspect, he is incredibly important to where we are today with our race relations
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phil spade
@Phil · 2:22


Really looking forward to hearing more from you on this, as you mentioned, because it's, you know, today's kind of the first day that I've taken a step back and really kind of reflected on, on OJ Simpson and his life and the trial. And I mentioned this on another swell. But the most unique thing about this is that we saw all of it. He, like, lived his life like a reality tv show. We saw his entire life here
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 4:34
And I had just watched it, so I know exactly what happened. And then they're reporting it, just like they. The reporting was so skewed, I just. I couldn't believe it. You know, and so many people that were not able to watch the trial like that, but, you know, living their daily lives on the streets, you know, they couldn't watch the trial. They probably didn't watch any of it
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 3:06
I said, no, this negro over here definitely killed his wife, her friend. He had too many occasions of domestic violence with Nicole, threatening her life, threatening her life in front of other people. So then when he was acquitted, and then they sued him for civil damages, I thought, that's what you get. That is exactly what you get, because you. You deserve nothing. You deserve jail, but you didn't go to prison
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Harvey Pullings II
@The79thstreetkd · 4:57


I agree with you 100%. I'm actually in the middle of recording my episode for OJ. And, you know, you bring up some valid points about, you know, like, just the. The way it divided up the community because there was a great deal of black people that believe he did it. I know, like, I cannot remember what my mom thought about, like, his innocence or not
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 3:35
I know if you're stabbing somebody up like that, you're gonna be covered in blood. That whole crime scene was covered in blood. There was. It was a shitload of blood out there, so. But, you know, people will believe what they want. People are entitled to believe what they want. For me, I'm satisfied. I don't think he did it. I think it was
@Mz_Shonda · 2:20


I remember distinctively during the chase that I was in high school, in class, no matter what class we went to, the. All television was on tuned into the chase. And then as the trial began, all tvs were tuned into the trial. But the most memory I have about this case is how, when I was in high school, that it divided the african american teachers from the non african american teachers
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:49


So, like I said before, this case was a textbook case of how to get away with murder. It really was. And unfortunately, that's what happened. However, with Nicole Simpson, once that happened, we began to get better domestic violence laws and help because, you know, when they weren't seeking any help, and now they are able to get the help
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