The Daily Swell
@daily · 4:28

Collectibles had a rough year in 2023: Here are some of the hardest hit

In the years leading up to Covid, there was kind of a renaissance in the collectibles market. There was a lot of cash on hand. People were flushing cash, and you had a little bit of a nostalgia thing going, especially with Gen Xers who were looking to buy some of the comic books and trading cards and things from their youth to kind of bring them back

#AskSwell What do you collect?

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:18
At least we want to be better and we want to spend more time together than just being a collector. So thank you for sharing this. That's just my perspective on what happened after Covid
Valley Remedy
@valleyremedy · 2:08

#collectibles #hobbies

Of course, that's with everything. Digital paper, books I had collected several years ago. They're all leather. I think they're Franklin library and Easton Press. I tried to get first editions of kind of the classics and stuff, but, yeah, collecting things is interesting. Kind of went through a funko pop phase of collecting some of those and then kind of realizing, like, eh, I don't really see the need for it
