Colleen Kitson
@curlykit · 4:54

Online dating hell

I want to believe that you're telling the truth. And, well, we hit it off, and we've been together now for months, and it's been great, so don't give up. But online dating is very difficult, and I'll tell stories about it so that maybe one of my stories will clue you into something that's happening and maybe help you so you don't get trapped, because it is terrifying, and it won't stop. I think it's getting worse

#online dating #scammers

Nidhin George 🔷
@geo_rhymes · 1:00


So, yeah, this is inspiring. Being a single person myself, I am inspired to now wait. And like you, I want to believe that I will find the kind of partner that I hope to find. I hope you have a great and prosperous day ahead. Once again, thank you so much for sharing your experiences here
Colleen Kitson
@curlykit · 4:37


I know that there are women out there who are looking for sex, and I know that there are women out there looking for somebody with money to support them. And I know that I know that both sides are guilty of lying and deceiving and all of that. So maybe I should mention that it's not just men that there are women that are lying, that are deceiving, that are not who they say they are
Nidhin George 🔷
@geo_rhymes · 0:47

Here's what resonated and what I'm gonna take away.

Well, there is a lot of gold in what you said there. And here's what resonated with me and what I'm going to take away. Put it out there and leave it. Turn that need into a want and believe that it can happen. Like, don't let the hope die, but also don't hold on to it too tight. It just let it go and it will come. So thank you
