Crystal Reyes
@CrystalNina42 · 2:23

Mom is a Hero

And still to this day, I have two other kids, but I feel most like a hero when I'm mom. And I say that because I see the love that my children have in their eyes for me, and I can feel it with each hug. I can tell by how much they want to be around me or how much they talk to me or how confident they are in themselves that they can tell me anything. So that's my hero moment

#TellYourStory #SwellPrompt | I felt like a hero when I...

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:36

#moms #parents #kids

Crystal. Love it. I totally understand what you're saying. There's nothing like being a parent. I just became a parent about a month ago and what a month it's been. You could probably recall that first month of being a mom. We just welcomed in a son and it's been wild and yeah, it changes everything about you and your goals and your focus and everything
Crystal Reyes
@CrystalNina42 · 0:48


Hey, Ty, thanks so much. And congratulations on becoming a dad. It's a long road that you'll live for the rest of your life, but it's so rewarding. And it's wonderful that you're able to stay at home and work and on your breaks, go and see your son. I think that's wonderful. But, yeah, being a parent, definitely superhero. And I'm glad I've gotten to be there for all three of my girls
