Cass K
@CrimeTimeWCass · 5:00

My evening ♥️

You. Hi, everybody. I just want to tell you a little bit about my night. We went out to celebrate a relative's birthday, and we went to a smorgasbord, which I haven't been to actually in several years. And some things I got were handballs. I think I talked about that in an earlier podcast. And some mashed potatoes and stuffing and a little bit of chicken gravy. And what else did I get? A little bit of, what was it?

#family #birthdays #food #celebrations #smorgasbord

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:46
But anyway, this was wonderful. Thank you for sharing with us the great time that you had today. Sometimes it's so good to hear that somebody else had a great day. It just reminds you that great days are coming, and it reminds you of all the great days that you had before. So thank you for that
Cass K
@CrimeTimeWCass · 5:00


And so before you go, like, bowling, check and see if that bowling alley has coupons, because before you know it, you get, like, buy one, get one free. And, I don't know, it's just something that makes me really happy is to get quality or quantity and quality for less of a price. And then my daughter said, how did you know that was dad's favorite color? And I was like, I don't know
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Cass K
@CrimeTimeWCass · 0:32

PS 😂

You. Oh, the app that I use, I checked, is called local flavor. It's a free app, and you pay for which coupons that you want to use, like the buy one, get one free. You pay for it through the app. So that's a great app. And if anyone has suggestions about other apps where that's similar because each app covers different things or overlaps, that'd be great. All right, you all take care. Bye
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:17


It's. These are some wonderful tips. You should do this on your swell. You should definitely talk about this app on your swell and any other tips that you know. People would love this. People love saving money, girl, you better tell us your secrets. Thank you for sharing
