Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 4:53

RED flags……Part II

So I think what happens more so is like, once you find something to focus on other than them, then that's how you do it. And one thing that I will say about the females versus the males is that one thing that they actually have over us, and they've had it over the men for years, is just intuition. So they may just get a vibe of feelings like, no, I better not talk to him. And that's just something that they have to work with

Identifying them!

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:29
So, yeah, if I meet a guy and we start a relationship, even if I see red flags, I'm just talking about me, I might be liable to stay and try to work through those flags because who wants to keep starting over? And you'll see it even on social media. Oh, every new week she got a new bay. It's not that
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 3:32


And sadly, when that fantasy doesn't play out, it's like, okay, how do I get out of this? And interestingly, you mentioned the Bible earlier, and again, that's definitely my favorite book out of all books to read. And even when you read in the Bible about more so divorce than the marriage, it'll actually tell you that God does not like divorce. He will only dissolve a marriage in two ways. Number one, if death does your part
Lexi Lex
@Buddhaa · 3:15

#relationships #redflags #love

But like I said, every woman is different. Some women like that. So as far as it goes with red flags, I think it just depends on the type of person you're approaching
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 2:46


And that's because of, like, how some men approach women and vice versa. It's like a lot of top money approach. That's where that word intuition comes in, and the females have that leverage over the men. So even like men do approach, it's like they have a feel already to know if these men have an ulterior motive or not
Lexi Lex
@Buddhaa · 0:29


Thank you for your reply. And, yes, I had a little hiatus from swell. I had my sister and nephew in town, and that took up some of my time there and then just work and, you know, regular life in general. But, yeah, I definitely agree with you. I think that it's imperative that men and women don't assume that because someone's approaching you that they're trying to holler at you. Sometimes they're just trying to make friendly conversation
Janique Negron
@Jae · 2:09
So people need to start back dating and going Dutch. She paid for her stuff. He paid for her stuff. They need to go back to doing that. They need to go back to the old school ways. And people are already going back to the old school ways when it comes to their household because of things. It's too high. But I feel like if people go back to the old way of dating, it will be more married couples than bad relationships
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 1:53


And even to go back, further back than old school when my mom, she's not around anymore, Macy, rest in peace. Her era, they had what you call shotgun weddings, where if a guy being a girl, and one thing Lex to another, now somebody's pregnant, now, what happened from that point on, their father would be over your house with their daughter, holding the daughter's one hand, using the other hand to hold the shotgun, ten to the father
