Mia Monique
@convo_n_clarity · 4:46

Sometimes its not them its you

And we go into situations hoping to change a person or mold them into what we want when that's just not who they are. But yet and still we still continue to build with them, waste precious time in a situation that is not beneficial or completely satisfactory for us. In relationships, I always like to think about settling down, and if I can see myself settled with this person, that's the only way I will continue on a relationship with them

#Relationships #Dating #Marriedlife #Healthyrelationships #selfrefelction #Accountability #Love #Transparency

Anthony Simpson
@Real-Simpson82 · 2:13

#verytrue #knowthyself

So let me use a going out people so everybody will see that I'm going out with somebody and then begin to shift blame when it doesn't work. So thank you. I think this is a good thing and my opinion is that this is a very positive way to begin. 2023 is that knowing that it is you and not someone else knowing that it is me, Anthony, and it is not my partner, but it is me
Mia Monique
@convo_n_clarity · 2:14

#Gratitude #Relationships #Selfworth

Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to my thoughts and of course, just sharing your perspective on the topic. I really, really appreciate that so much. I think that it is a great way to start the New Year off with just self reflection and intentionality to be your best self and have better relationships. I'm one who doesn't like to complain about situations that we all know that we can change if we just put forth the effort to do so
