Shawn L. Brown
@coachshawny · 5:00

Life Unscripted-Lessons From The Journey Episode 2

Are you free to be completely and totally and only you in all of your relationships. What about your resources financially? Are you free there in your mind, or are you trapped and enslaved by fear of finances? Trying to keep finances, trying to make resources? Are you trapped, or are you free? And lastly, are you free to live your purpose, your mission? Are you experiencing the fruit of that? That's the question today. I'd love to hear your take on it

#coachshawny #shawnyb #shawnyvale #livewell2gether #lifeunscripted #shawnlbrown

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:55
I definitely use it as some sort of COVID for the actual feeling, because it's harder to say what it is that I feel, and then I think, than it is to just lash out with language that feels so powerful, and it feels like you're doing something by cussing, but really you're not. There's no real processing there of the thought or of the emotion. So that's really interesting
