Jeannette Garcia
@coachJeannette1 · 4:59


In fact, we're kind of now overlapping now. Black Friday starts like the week before or on Thanksgiving. People are at the store shopping instead of being with their family members and sitting around a table giving thanks. And to tell you the truth, you don't have to be with the people you love sitting at a table to give thanks and to be thankful. That should be a way of life, not a day in the year

#mindset #life #lifecoaching #growth #learn

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:36
You. Hi. I've been thinking a lot about this, so thank you so much for this reminder. And I like what you said about voicing the gratitude and, like, sharing that with others. I think that's such a great way to model gratefulness. And yeah, sometimes for me, I forget all just the little things that can just be you're just so grateful for just even just, like, having a slow morning and not having to rush and do anything
