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Siddhi Palande
@Book_gobbler · 1:01

#TalkTo Shapoor Batliwalla Author Of Ricki's Road To Redemption

Ricky's Road to redemption that's quite a catchy name for a book, isn't it? Well, if it is, then just step into the whirlwind world of Bollywood with Ricky's road to redemption where hilarity and adventure collide. Hello Bookworms, I'm your host Sadi aka book Cobbler and welcome to my swellcast. Ricky's Road to Redemption by Shapur Bhattliwala follows the escapades of India's greatest con man as navigates a tail brimming with greed, violence, criminal enterprise and the unexpected twists of love

In conversation with Shapoor Batliwalla author of Ricki's road to redemption #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight

Siddhi Palande
@Book_gobbler · 1:21

In conversation with Shapoor Batliwalla author of Ricki's road to redemption #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight

He has also acted in numerous TV series and films. Hello sir and a warm welcome to my swellcast. Many congratulations on the book. To begin with, Ricky's road to redemption. The name may seem like some sort of a spiritual coming of age tale, but then on a second thought, it is a hilarious name. Usage of alliteration doesn't go unseen. So how did you come up with this story? And what's the story behind this story?
shapoor batliwalla
@shapoor · 2:41


It's about having a laugh, maybe shedding a tear and being entertained. So that was the background to why I wanted to create a humorous book based in India. And really, that was my attempt to create Bollywood in a book. But how did I get to the story? It's funny
Siddhi Palande
@Book_gobbler · 0:33

In conversation with Shapoor Batliwalla author of Ricki's road to redemption #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight

You're so right about the fact that there are so many books out there, but not every book gives you out and out entertainment. And with the kind of work that we have, the kind of life that we live, hectic schedules and lot of the workload, we do need a reprieve. And book like yours provide that to us. So, coming to my next question, the book is set in our city. Yours, Team ICT Mumbai
shapoor batliwalla
@shapoor · 2:31


Yes. The book. You asked me if it's set in Mumbai. Definitely set in Mumbai. I mean, I grew up in a suburb called Bandra, just outside Mumbai city. I went to school and university in Mumbai and it epitomizes all that's best about India. To me, Mumbai is colour and mayhem and noise and confusion
Siddhi Palande
@Book_gobbler · 0:25

In conversation with Shapoor Batliwalla author of Ricki's road to redemption #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight

Born and brought up in Mumbai. I totally agree that the city is colorful and mayhem and every shade of the city is just so alluring. Talking about Ricky, you've given us a glimpse into this character, but I would like to know what kind of character he is. And is he inspired from the character of Ricky Bell, the corn man that was played by Ranveer Singh in a Viagra pot boiler?
shapoor batliwalla
@shapoor · 2:50


And I think that's a good example of Ricky's quick wittedness and thinking. He's very imaginative. He will do anything at that stage of the book to achieve what he wants. But I think he's also very likable. Well, I hope he is. I've always loved writers of humor like P. G. Woodhouse and John Mortimer. Karl Hyacinth in America, Irma Bombeck, you name it. Those kinds of books are wonderful
Siddhi Palande
@Book_gobbler · 0:22

In conversation with Shapoor Batliwalla author of Ricki's road to redemption #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight

That is really interesting how Ricky came up with his name. So I read over 100 books every year, but rarely. It's very rare that I come across books that are out and out hilarious. So from an author's point of view, how does one infuse humor in the narrative, making sure that it tickles the reader's funny bones?
shapoor batliwalla
@shapoor · 2:26


Of course, most humor writers will find different things, but in every case, it's an observation about a character and his ways and means and the characters around him that make humor come to life. I think there is nothing as funny as human beings. And that's really the essence of great humor writer humor bookS, I think, is the people that they write about. I've tried to do the same in this case, and
Siddhi Palande
@Book_gobbler · 0:26

In conversation with Shapoor Batliwalla author of Ricki's road to redemption #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight

You're so right about the fact that people may forget the writing style, the narrative, even the name of the author, but they will never forget how the book made them feel, the essence of the book, and, of course, the characters. So, coming to my next question, this question is particularly for aspiring writers out there. Which authors in your genre of writing would you recommend that we read and imbibe in our writing?
shapoor batliwalla
@shapoor · 1:43


One of my favorite characters. And you must read all of John Mortimer's Rumpole series. Rumpole is a dissidute, half drunk barrister who quotes poetry and defends the undefendable cases. But it's so beautifully written and it's so cleverly drawn that you can't help but be inspired by it. I think, as potential writers or writers, we are all drawn to the kinds of things we like to read
Siddhi Palande
@Book_gobbler · 0:28

In conversation with Shapoor Batliwalla author of Ricki's road to redemption #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight

Thank you so much, sir for that lovely advice. So talking about the COVID I would love to know the story behind the hilarious cover of the book. We see an auto rickshaw. I understand that tricky is a rickshaw driver. So the rickshaw. But it has typically the Mumbaiya rickshaw that has Saraswati written on the back. And there are hands holding the weapons. So what is the story behind this cover? And how did you come up with this cover?
shapoor batliwalla
@shapoor · 1:31


You. That's interesting. As I was getting towards the end of the book, I started thinking about what would be an illustration that would bitimize the essence of the story. And I'm very fortunate that my wife is a really good illustrator. I always wanted the COVID to be illustrated because I wanted to have an action and an energy that still photography doesn't give. And I also wanted it to have movie poster like escapism to it. And so Saraswati, his Rickshaw
Siddhi Palande
@Book_gobbler · 0:25

In conversation with Shapoor Batliwalla author of Ricki's road to redemption #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight

Believe me, sir, this cover does the job well. It is so on point. When I saw the COVID on the poster of swell, I had to go and check it on Amazon. I zoomed in and I saw the caricature. And then I was like, I have to add this question to know the story behind this cover. So coming to my last question for this session, what do you want your readers to take away from this book? Just
shapoor batliwalla
@shapoor · 2:46


I really, really hope, Siddhi, that if people read it, they'll let me know what they think either through clever Fox Publishing or by writing to me directly. I would really like to know their opinions. I want to know whether they find the humor acceptable, whether they find the characters likable, whether they find the story interesting. I would really want feedback. So if readers could give me that, I would be very grateful
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Siddhi Palande
@Book_gobbler · 0:11

In conversation with Shapoor Batliwalla author of Ricki's road to redemption #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight

It's true, sir, that we are often standing at the crossroads. And it is the choices we make that determines our destiny. Thank you so much, sir, for talking to me about your book. It has been sheer pleasure
