Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:44

Taking ownership

Chocolate only has three pieces, while strawberry has 25. You're in a group of people, and they say, hey, there's not a lot of chocolate. We didn't order enough. However, there's only three pieces. Who wants a chocolate piece? Well, you hate strawberries. You don't like strawberry anything, but you sit there and you don't say anything. When there's a whole room of people who love strawberries, there's people saying they don't care which one

#askswell #ownership #lifecoach

Carly D
@Astroality · 3:24
And I'll just say on my parenting journey so my child is 13, but on my parenting journey, I will say I have not always been the best at owning it when I make a mistake, right? And I think it's Carly because I had a fear that if I owned it, it made me look like I was no longer in a superior leadership role, leader mother role, right?
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 4:59
We would get together every other week or whatever, so I'd be like, I'm complaining or whatever. No more flowers. What do you mean no more flowers? I bought the flowers. Took me a long time to get them. Her favorite color was purple. She looked at them, put them on the table, and they still on the table, and that was Thursday. She ain't put them in a vase, nothing, and they're sitting there dead
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 2:37


I don't know if it was my own or if I was researching, but definitely if we yell at our children or we just can't control our emotions for whatever reasons, we should talk to them about the situation. And then also if it's something that we did that we should not, we should definitely take ownership because we're teaching them to take ownership. And if we're not showing them what we're saying and how to do it, then they're not going to fall
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:44
So maybe if she's interested in those ways, tap into that and she could have those roses that you gave her, she could use them for a longer period of time. A lot of people, they look at flowers and they say, well, flowers are a waste because it's just going to die. But the truth of the matter is you can use those flowers for much longer, and they're beneficial than mortgages to look at
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:50

App is called Headway

Able to articulate to her ways that I would love to see her support me that I don't see, versus assuming, based on her title in my life, that she should automatically know to show up that way. Understanding that she's her own human being, an individual person, navigating life just like I am. And she's not a mind reader. Just because she's my mother. She has the title of mother does not automatically make her a mind reader. I have to articulate that
@Royalcapability · 3:07
And me doing self evaluations was like a growth spurt for me. It's like, you know how when you have a child and it's like, oh, my gosh, did you get taller? Like, you don't seem like you was just this tall yesterday. Now all of a sudden, it's like, oh, my gosh, you're taller than me? It was like a growth Spurg and maturity and I don't know, just living and gaining wisdom
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 2:52
Yes, because you can't assume that she knows. She should know, but you can't assume that she knows. And maybe because the way she grew up, maybe she didn't have parents there to support her and so she didn't feel there was anything for her not to support you. She may be proud of you. Maybe she's talking to her friends and other family about you and talking about how much of a wonderful person you have become, how you face so many obstacles
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:06
I do. Because that is a strength. That is a power in itself. You talked about over talking people. We all do it sometimes. We be such a hairy mike, we got to get across what we got to say. Got to say. Now, we might forget. Well, sometimes people just want you to listen. We don't really want to respond all the time. And then you talk about removing yourself from conversation nation that you know you shouldn't be part of
