Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 6:29

The battle of the scale

I've been trying to relearn the feeling of great nutrients, eating things that have some kind of nutrition to it instead of just wasted calories. Weight. The cycle of weight and learning my body and loving my body is something that has been challenging for me throughout the years. This stemmed back to when I was a little girl. I would say that I started having image problems right around the time I was diagnosed with type one diabetes, actually, before I was diagnosed at the age of twelve

#askswell #insecurites #weight

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:26
It really is. As far as the carb intake and such, for me, I knew I was full of carbs and sugars, so I know for me personally, I had to do a significant cutback. I'm too much of a foodie. I had to cut back. But my doctor told me that some people cut out their carbs completely, and that's not good. They think that they're going to get better a one c's if they eliminate sugar or if they eliminate carbs
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:08


You. Hey. Thank you so much for responding to my swell and for opening yourself up for conversation, because so many times people are embarrassed about the struggles that they have when it comes to weight. And I fought that struggle for many years. I'm no longer embarrassed about it when I talk about it. I can make things better. But, yeah, I just left the gym and I'm tired. I didn't want to go, I tell you, I didn't
