Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:59

Dating men or women with multiple children how do you feel?

But, you know, there's always some kind of explanation, whether we see it right off or not, whether it's on the surface or not. But I do think that people deserve the ability to get to know other people and be given a chance, because people do change. And I don't think that having a lot of children means that you're a bad person. But it could mean some poor choices, especially if you have different women or different men

#dating #askswelll

Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:09

Part 2

Do you feel that it's ridiculous that we are a society that judges people upon how many kids they have, how many they don't, if they can or cannot have kids, what kind of a parent they are, what kind of upbringing they had? You know, I do think that it's very important to communicate, to know how a person is and how they grew up and what their mind frame is
R. Porchia
@Block24Media · 2:29


You're here to, you know, your main goal is to be in a loving relationship and not to really make them feel omitted from that. So I think it's a very delicate situation and the children should be the focal point. And as a man going into that situation, know that those children are there. You should have, you should know what you're getting yourself into
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:40
Not all of his kids are by the same woman he was married to, like the last woman. But when he says stepson, that means that now even her kids are his kids. That's a lot of people. A lot of people. That's a lot of money. That's a lot of emotions. That's a lot of. This person got a situation. That person got a situation. Where does Angela fit in on this?
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:12
I just want to do a follow up reply because I forgot about something. So when I first got single and got back on the daily market back in 2020, I have relationship coaches, and one of the things that they coached us women is a lot of women are busy, right? Because we're nurturers. We're taking care of a lot of stuff. And so as a single woman on the dating market, I was told to clear up my schedule
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:25
You know, having to explain to your children why one child's father is present more than the other child's father is present, or why you may not, a person may not even know all the children who the children's fathers are. I mean, it's just a lot with that. And same thing with men. You know, you got one child's mother who is agreeable and willing to work with you. You got another one who's bitter because y'all not together anymore
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:00
And I don't think either that you should introduce your kids to people right away. I mean, now I have a son that's sick. I don't even, like, say that he's sick because that scares people away. They can scare people away because they're, they're like, oh, I gotta, they're gonna expect me to do this. I don't expect you to do nothing because it's my kid. Especially when taking care of them
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 2:31
I think that's why they got a lot of dating sites now for just people, you know, parents, people who have kids, because parents understand parents. But then that's when it gets busy. But the dating world is crazy. But I personally like. As far as the number of kids a person has, I will say that I won't go over a certain number, but then two, you know, people have lives and people change
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:09
Hey, Miss Coles, I agree with you on that, because a lot of people, they're not ashamed to say, like, how many kids they got, but it is when you say how many women or how many men, that's when they get a little bit embarrassed about it, you know? I know there's a girl that I work right now, and she has three young kids, and she's young, three different baby daddies

It’s weird when you and the kids love each other, and the men get jealous! 🤔

This is a good question, and I'm very curious to see what everyone else says. I didn't date at all after my daughter. I barely dated after my son. I have poor choice in romantic relationships, and so that didn't work for me with either one of them. Really? In fact, yeah. Anyway, before that, though, I did date guys that had kids, and I didn't usually have a problem with the kids
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:09


You can't stop it from coming unless, well, you can put matters in your own hands. But I just say, you know, don't use a child for a token of love. Don't use that. But, um. But then, too, there are some men who have been with people for a while, and they've had children because they love that person
joseph jackson
@Mr6Oclock · 4:53


But those are things that we've discussed and that he calls me to, you know, get my advice, hey, what should I do? This is what she's doing. There's nothing that he does on his own from his own, from his own mind with my daughter because we have that understanding and I'll get a little bit more into that in part two
joseph jackson
@Mr6Oclock · 1:50


So, ultimately, I pretty much believe that it comes down to the relationship that the parents have with each other and the relationship that those parents also have with the children. That ultimately determines what dating someone with several children will be like. You know, I don't think it's fair to automatically assume that someone just makes poor life choices and has, you know, several kids
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 2:49
Hey, good. Hey, good evening. Thank you so much. Sorry about it being a little bit far. I got back with you. I really do like how you presented everything because, you know, it does take the situation to look at, to see, regardless of the amount of children that a person has, I think that sometimes people are with people, they're with them for a long time, and then things just don't work


But I don't think that, as a parent of kids, if I were dating, you know, someone and had kids in them with me, I don't think I would want my kids being introduced to my date until things were moving in a more solidified direction, further ahead than. What's your name? What's your sign and where do you like to eat? You know, because that's, that's
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:23
But, yeah, I feel like that everybody's different, so I try to look into things differently. But the way I came up with this topic is actually because there's a guy that was pursuing me with six kids, and I was like, whoa. Like, that's a lot of kids, you know? But then I haven't, like, gotten into, like, how many baby mothers or whatever, because I think that makes a difference
