Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:14

Happy New Year : Thanks for my first goal 500 followers

There's so many people on here that I have connected with and interacted with, and we have been able to help each other to grow and to become more educated on different things that we may be curious about or that we know about, but maybe we didn't know something in that area about it. So we're able to put our insights together to talk about things that we have in common and things that we don't

#grateful #askswell #happynewyear

Simon De La Rosa III
@TheSimonShow · 2:10


Hi, KK, this is Simon. First off, congratulations on reaching 500 listeners. That's a milestone. That's an outstanding achievement here on swell. And while I'm new to this platform, I've only been on it a month and a half. I don't know how long you've been on it, but to have that many sets of ears listening to what you have to say is definitely a blessing
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 0:58
I'm sure your next goal, whatever that is, is going to be reached soon moon because people are definitely clicking follow and listening to you. So thank you so much for sharing and happy blessed new year to you and yours
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 0:41


Hey, Simon, thanks so much for replying. And thanks so much for the motivation. Thanks so much for following. So, yes, this platform is a great platform to use to kind of practice and get your things out there
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:40
So it's kind of like therapy, but not therapy. But then you get to listen to other people and you realize that you're not alone in situations and you learn something. Because I've learned so much from you all. I've learned so much, and I look forward to learning more in this year. And it's not about the numbers, but it definitely is about helping people and also respecting people and growing together. Because we don't have to agree
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:23
I'd like to congratulate you for getting the 500 followers. That is a big feat. It really, really is, because that means that people are following you, they're listening to you, they're being active with you, interacting with you, and I love it, and you so deserve it. So I'm very, very grateful to be part of that 500. Congratulations. I can't wait to see what else you do in 2024
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 0:37


So I want to thank you again, and I look forward to being invited to more your post and responding. And I look forward to hearing you online. Happy New year
