Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:53

#SelfLove | Dear Younger Self... listen

There's going to be people who are going to knock at your door and demand your attention, but when you go to theirs, they're never going to be home. Realize that the world is going to judge you no matter how perfect you try to look. Realize that feelings are feelings and that there's no shame being sad. There's no shame in being proud of what you have and wanting to go for what you don't

#MentalWellness #sppslflvp2 #SelfCare #MeTime

Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 2:36
So I just look at it from that standpoint. And like you said in your swell, you have to realize that the world is not always a nice place. They're always going to be people that are just, that are just willing to tear you down, whether you're in the world or whether you go home to, to your, you know, separate homes where maybe it's your significant other that's tearing you down instead of building you up
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 0:35
Sometimes people will fail to realize just because a person is successful doesn't mean the problems go away and, you know, or it doesn't mean that they didn't have a good upbringing, because a lot of them did. Not you. It's that struggle that caused them to be so successful. So thanks so much. Have a wonderful Saturday
