Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 2:23

School Update 5/7/24

So first we have to understand what a visual podcast is, which is basically everything that a podcast would normally have, except for recorded elements of the host. So I will not have to record anything for this podcast. It'll all come from secondary sources like interviews that you find on the Internet. It also includes other media like videos and images. So I had to think


Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:47
I wasn't at one school for very long, really. But nonetheless, I enjoyed it. It brought me certain aspects that I appreciate today, but, yeah, pretty cool stuff, man. I'm glad you're finding the joy and the PE and the podcasting and just the math and all of that. It's definitely a wild road. But I'd love to hear what grade you're in and how much longer you have left
Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 3:09


Hey, what's going on? Zach here. So happy that you replied. I'm really also happy that my school having such a profound effect on you, and I'm so happy that you enjoy them. So here, let me run down your questions here. And also, I want to also mention that I appreciate sharing things about your school life. I've been in the same household my entire life, so I can't relate to that
