Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:57

WWE NXT Spring Breakin’ 2024 week 1-Results!

DiAngelo breaks up the full nose and thrust spinebuck. The thrust spinebuster by D'Angelo. And it is over. It was a more competitive match than I expected. But in the end, the expected result did happen. The D'Angelo family with the win. Now, this match was not on the official card. It was announced and signed. During the show, Fou and Henley took on Jada Parker

#WWE. #NXT. #SpringBreakin’. #Results. #PLE

Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:26

Part 2!

Now they're back inside the ring with a leg scissors press. Then Parker whips her across Henley with a trip and a heel kick, who was reversed. And now Fallon is hanging on the ropes. We then go to a short arm shoulder block whip into a knee lift. Then a kneeling cobra twist to grind Henley down at the ribs, back elbow, max limb. A jumping neck breaker foul enabled to piece it together, but she can't get the win out of it
Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 5:00

Part 3!

Baron Corbin would hit a suplex, then would drop into an ace crusher, but would still not get the win. King would then hit a folding press. His feet would be assisted on the ropes. Referee would catch him and not allow the pin to continue. Corbin would hit an attitude adjusting for a near fall. Baron almost bumps the raft but is able to avoid the collision. But that allows Lexus to hit him with a low blow, then hit coronation for the win
