Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 5:00

Freestyling Friday’s-week 29!

Hello, folks. Welcome to your last topic of the day. It is week 29 of freestylingFridays. So I've got the Shakers, I've got the lp shaker and all four of the egg Shakers along with the drum kit. And I'm going to play you some stuff. I don't know, I'm just going to kind of improv. I'm just going to freestyle as the title suggests. Here we go. Start with jumps 1234 sang into the jazz


Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 0:40

Part 2!

Sorry, folks, the outro got cut off with the five minute cutoff. So you didn't hear the ending symbol crash. So I'm gonna do the outro one more time for you. Here we go. There you go. That was what you guys missed. Thanks so much. Have a great day. Peace. Bye
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:01


He's a heavy handed drummer, but he was super into jazz and blues drumming. So he's got a very well rounded style as a percussionist. So, yeah, let me know, man. I'm going to hear more about what you like in drumming, who you're following now. What do you want to do? Are you going to get in a band? Do you have any completed songs that you've written?
Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:36


And then the blue one is the last one of the set that I currently have sounds like this and also in somewhere in my vast style of percussion stuff I have like other shakers and whatnot. But that is the main things that I have. Hopefully that answers all the questions. If I forgot any questions, feel free to reply and just let me know what those were and I'll tackle those when I get the chance. But thanks so much for applying. I appreciate your interest
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 2:23


I don't have the space and the quiet place to actually buy an acoustic drum set. So my journey started just like the practice pads. I got a vic firth split pad and I put a little dinger on it. I've got a couple of those kind of pads. And then I recently got the actual kit pad, like practice pad. It's kind of funky. Also got sent you picture that
Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 0:28


Hey. What's going on? Zach here. Thank you for replying again. Just wanted to answer your question. So in the band that I have played on in the past, like I mentioned earlier, things are really busy right now, so I haven't been able to rejoin. But I usually play the symbols, the crash symbols. So I thought about playing drums before, but it just hasn't really worked out. But you never know. Maybe sometime in the future. Thanks
