Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 1:21

Trivia Time-week 16! (+ last week’s question.)

The correct answer was Saturn. And once again, Rho has the correct answer. She is on a roll. That's like three in a row or something like that. That's crazy. All right. Congratulations to Ro. You're doing amazing. Alright, folks, here is your new question for week 16. How many bones do sharks have in their body? Obviously, this came from the science category as well. Once again, how many bones do sharks have in their body?

#TriviaTime @rocio

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:06
What's up, man? I'm gonna go with 152 for the shark bones. Looking forward to hearing it next Friday
phil spade
@Phil · 0:14


I'm going to go with zero, zero bones as my answer. I believe that sharks do not have bones, but have just cartilage instead. I believe, or at least that's my answer is zero. I believe it's zero bones
