Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:59

Shuffle Songs Sunday-week 46!

The other version of that is just doing a hit rather than a side stick, but it's more jazzy if you do side stick and adore. In other words. I think that trumpet might be using a mute too. There might be a mute on the trumpet. I'm not. I'm not sure, though. Oh, he's playing with that note. It's so awesome. The vocals are amazing. Here comes the bridge. We're just gonna get some instrumental now

#ShuffleSongsSunday. #MusicalWeekend

Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 1:47

Part 2! (Finishing up!)

Hello. Swell. Sorry I got cut off there. I didn't realize how close to the time when we were here. But. Yeah. So beautiful climax. Please be true. Wait, that's not the right note. Please be true. In other words. In other words. And then he just. He just waits. Bop, bop, bop. You know? Or wait. No. Um. I love bop, bop, bop you
