Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:46

🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨Bonus Swell-Kevin Patrick released from his WWE commentary job.

And I'd love to see him come back to WWE and retire there instead of AEw. I don't have any problems with AEw. Those who listen to my slow cast know that I watch both programs, but I would love to see him return home. Another option that I don't think is going to happen as well also comes from the AEW commentary booth, and that is Nigel McGinnis. He also used to work for. I think he used to work for WWE

#BonusSwell. #WWE. #Commentary. #KP

Edward Oribhabor
@Edcellent · 3:37

Kevin Patrick was more of an asset than a liability for WWE. #afterthebell

He had a good podcast going with Corey Graves after the bell. He made his name for himself in the WWE as a backstage reporter, which he excelled at, which led him to being a commentator for Raw, which I thought he did an outstanding job of. I feel like once he got the call up to SmackDown, I sort of think that the wheels started to come off just a little bit. Was there too much on his plate?
