Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:55

The Yankees vs Rays game 3 turns out to be a rollercoaster, but at the end of the ride, the Yankees win 10-6!

In the bottom of the 7th, Jose Seri with a grand slam after some pitching troubles from the Yankees. 428ft to deep left center, bringing home the former Yankee Ben Rodvert, Johnny DeLuca and Richie Palacios. Six four. Just like that, we've got a two run game. Make that a one point game. Or one run game rather. As Isaac paradise was hit by a pitch, Randy Rosarena went to second. Josh loaded third. Yankee Diaz scored

#TheNYY. #thebreakdown

Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 0:32

I can’t believe I forgot the signature Yankees sign off. 🤦

Hello. Swell. So in my rush to beat the five minute countdown, I forgot the signature Yankee victory sign off that I always do. So let me hit you with that right now. The Yankees getting the ten to six victory. And you know what that means. The Yankees win. The Yankees win. It just didn't feel right to do a Yankee win post without saying that. Thank you so much. Have a great day. I shall talk to you guys tomorrow. Peace
