Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:54

Shuffle Songs Sunday-week 49!

Hello, swell. Welcome to your third topic on the day of four. In total, this is shuffle songs, Sunday, week 49. Hope you're doing great. So I'm here with the iPad. I'm gonna hit shuffle and see what song I'm gonna be reacting to today. I did add a couple songs from the new Taylor Swift album to my list. I did a whole reaction to that album on my swell as well, if you haven't seen it

#ShuffleSongsSunday. #MusicalWeekend

Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 2:59

Part 2!

But, yeah, so we start with forbidden love and then by the end they stick with it. And people finally say, all right, if you want to love each other, you can. And they. They did love each other at that point. We don't know who she's talking about, but maybe we will at some point. Anyway, what a great song. Let me know what you have to say. Thank you so much. One more topic on the way
