Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 5:00

🥲🫣😊I just look mean. I’m a cry baby!

So in the name of black history, I'm wondering if anyone else have the experience that I have. And we've been learning about Martin Luther King for ever. And I've heard his speech numerous times, but it never fails. Every time I hear it, my skin tingles and I get goosebumps. And I wonder, is that the touch? Is that the words resonating that deep? And I've heard

#blackhistory is #world #history

Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 1:40
It. So, yeah, it trickled over into when I'm reading, like, a book on my people or history, and I just wonder, is it me? Does anyone else have that experience? It's very interesting. And it just makes you want to. At least for me, it just makes me want to dive in and, I don't know, it just starts. It. I guess that's the spark. It just starts something in you
