Chatty Girija
@CheersChatty007 · 3:29

Cheers Chatty Masterclass 2: "Chilled beer please!"

So drink beer the way you want to, the way you want to enjoy it, but just make sure it's a good beer and be respectful towards it because beer makes the world a cheerful place to live in. Bubbles. And finally, I hope you like my Masterclass. If there's any particular topic you want me to COVID I'm more than glad to do that. And don't forget to follow my swell cheers, Baboos. Take care and a happy weekend. Drink some good

At what temperature should you drink you beer and why...get all the answers. #cheerschatty #masterclass #podcastforum #swelltalk

Classic Cupcake
@Classic_Cupcake · 1:23
Because every time, whenever I have had beer, maybe in a restaurant, in a cafe or anywhere, a cafe that serves a call, of course, they have always said that, okay, I'm providing you with the cold, and then you can make it room temperature or whatever it is most of the time. This has happened. And now it makes sense. But as I said, in the end, that no one can actually punish you for having it your way
Gaurav Chauhan
@Gaurav1106 · 1:29
Hi, Chadi. Wow, this is amazing. You know, I didn't know about this and to be honest, it kind of brings back this memory of this person asking me that if you will drink this beer on, which is not very cold, it will give you be the real flavor and me getting offended to that person, to that server
Chatty Girija
@CheersChatty007 · 2:19

@Gaurav1106 Cheers Chatty MasterClass. The dark truth. #askswell #beer #masterclass #cheerschatty #beerinfluencer

There's a reason for it because if you have it too cold, then you won't get the bitterness, you won't get the flavors that are there. So you keep it at that. Also when you pour it, when you pour a stout, pour a little bit in the glass. Wait before you take the first step. That way you will get the entire mouth feel and the palette of flavors that are there, especially the hoppiness. That's very important
Chatty Girija
@CheersChatty007 · 0:30

@Classic_Cupcake Committed to beer. Love it.

Hey, I just love your commitment towards beer. Now you have a problem. It's really sad. I feel sorry for you for it because I know it can be very painful. But still, you have your beer and so what if it's at room temperature? You love beer, beer loves you and you're making the world a cheerful place. Enjoy a beer the way you want to and nobody's going to judge you. Take care, Bubble
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 0:37
Hey there, Girija. I am tuning in because I just love the way you share these inputs and I would never have had any inkling of how to, you know, whether to chill the beer or to let it stay at room temperature, etc. Simply because I don't drink. But it's really fascinating and I would love to tune in from time to time and hear more about the world of beers and, you know, your masterclass
