Charvi Dhiran
@charvi24 · 3:12

The Education system and broken warriors

Okay, you should take your life a little seriously, I guess you're a little smart. So you can take commerce or anything below that. Oh dear, oh dear. No, this is not going to work out. That's not how life works. You should have studied, should have done better. Nobody gives a d*** that you're struggling, that the education system is too fast for you. Come on, you got to take art or give up on your whole life

#swell #swellcast #swellindia

Ayushi Das
@Ayus_01 · 2:08
We don't know what our future is yet we are to decide it here itself. Like you said, we are expected to decide a future in in an age where we are supposed to get maximum facts inside our head we are expected to get everything around us in that specific age in which we are supposed to enjoy. But yeah, this is India. We get literate and not educated because after all, we students will all be a mode to contributing towards the economy like everyone does
