Chantal Angelique
@chantalangeliqu · 3:15

Sorry is not a real word.

You know, one of the things that I always tell my kid is that sorry is not a word. You know, every time I ever heard the the word sorry used it's, you do something that you know you're not supposed to do or something that is wrong, something that you know that you're going to have to answer for or be reprimanded for. And you say you kind of like say sorry afterwards to make someone think that you feel remorseful about it

#word #vocabulary #manipulation #logic

Joshua Tito
@ozzymendez · 5:00
There might be some things of substance in there, but it's very derivative, it's very trendy. And trendy things don't tend to last. That's why they're a trend. They're just popular. Then a lot of people related to what you were saying, a lot of people abuse words because other people abuse words and they kind of hear it and it's reinforced, even though it's very erroneous
Joshua Tito
@ozzymendez · 2:36
But kids learn usually from their peers more than their teachers, in my experience. So it's definitely something to kind of you be on the lookout for. Yeah. So
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 4:18
Hello, Chantel. You know, I always just think of, like, people that say, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for this. Like, what are you sorry for? It's not your fault. It's like, I know I just had to say I'm sorry. But I think a lot of times what I try to tell my eight year old and my three year old is that if you say you're sorry, what are you sorry for?
