Chantal Angelique
@chantalangeliqu · 5:00

Women initiating sex.

So I often wonder, how frequently are women initiating sex? There's a lot of people that are married and they're roommates, and there's really no sexual activity happening at all. Then there are households where the man is very sexual. And I know guys that are just incredibly carnal. They're very sexual beings that they're horny a lot of the times. And I feel like I don't see that as much with women, but I feel like women are obviously sexual creatures too

#sex #relationships #men #women #love #passion

Calvin Davis
@Crippledthought · 4:33

#Sex #Love #Romance #Initiation #Men #Women

I am more than willing to put myself second when it comes to sex between me and another woman because I never want to be in a situation where she feels obligated to satisfy me because I initiated something. Because if it feels automated, for lack of a better word, you know, you can tell when it's something that somebody's just doing to be doing
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 1:46
And that, I think, will cause that can cause issues for you as a man. Matter of fact, if she doesn't initiate sex every now and then and I was talking to my friend or let me put it another way. If it were my friend who had a woman who never initiated sex or was dating somebody that never did, I would say she may be good as friends, but you may want to look for something else
